Makes It Not Develop, Fears In These 5 Things Need To Be Overcome Immediately

YOGYAKARTA Different from a phobia, for example a phobia of snakes or spiders. Fear of certain things refers to self-formation. In other words, fear affects decisions made, actions taken, and the results to be achieved. Even choosing a place to live, with whom to live, work to earn a living, who is a friend, has been unknowingly influenced by fear.

When you feel afraid, someone will avoid the trigger. This avoidance, in turn, will make a person lose the opportunity to learn and develop. Fear in context as an obstacle to growth and achievement, not a biological fear based on amygdala performance and also not a pathological fear related to clinical phobia.

The type of fear that causes a person not to develop, according to neuropsychological Theo Tsauides, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, April 11, has many faces. In the end, a person does not develop because they cannot detail their emotional fear.

Emotional details, for example, one says 'I feel good' but specifically refers to 'I feel happy with my performance'. This is an important aspect of important but rarely taught emotional regulation. Here are the daily general fears that prevent us from progressing and achieving goals.

Satisfaction will come when goals are pursued and defeat fear. According to research, it fails to be feared because of its effects, such as having experienced in the past and disappointing others, could be for fear of losing the future so they chose to play safely. Because of their safety, they choose easy goals, low standards, and avoid challenges.

Rejection is painful, but also a consequence that must be accepted. So, if we are afraid of being rejected, it is impossible for us to ever try and learn. Sometimes also afraid of being denied rationalization, it becomes a delay so that making a safe choice that becomes a significant barrier to growth.

For fear of making the wrong decision, a person becomes unclear in analyzing it. The wrong decision departs from reflection, data collection, asks for other people's advice, creating charts, registers, grooves, and divine interference. On the other hand, it is also necessary to realize that there are two kinds of decisions, right and wrong. If the consequences are wrong and the consequences are destroyed, it cannot be changed unless you consider it a lesson.

Do you really care what other people think? Concern for other people's opinions does serve to maintain social contracts. It is also necessary to respect so that the community is more solid, safe, and stable. But worry too much about other people's opinions, or our choices, keep us from growing and developing.

The world is full of choices, so making a commitment is considered to close other opportunities. Maybe a person is afraid of commitments for fear of losing freedom, autonomy, and flexibility. But without a commitment makes a person trapped in equilibrium and doubt.

That's the fear that makes a person not develop and grow to achieve goals.