GeNose Receives Distribution Permit, Minister Of Research And Technology: Good Quality Of Products Must Be Maintained

JAKARTA - Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (Menristek / BRIN) Bambang PS Brodjonegoro requested that industries involved in making GeNose detection or rapid screening tools must pay attention to the quality of products that are properly maintained.

Bambang said this was in line with the Ministry of Health's distribution permit with No. KEMENKES RI AKD 20401022883 to GeNose C19 on December 24, 2020. This tool is used as an effort to assist the government in handling COVID-19 through rapid detection.

GeNose is a rapid screening tool that complements the PCR test to detect COVID-19. However, its use has not been able to replace the function of PCR which is the gold standard, because its function for rapid screening is different from the antigen test or swab which functions to detect COVID-19.

"We ask the industries involved to really maintain the quality of the products that will be distributed to the public. Given the accuracy of this tool will greatly determine the success of the 3T program," said Bambang in a webinar, Friday, January 15.

Not only that, said Bambang, the success of this tool in conducting rapid screening to detect people exposed to COVID-19, will also determine the success of moving the wheels of economic activity.

"So do not let the tool either due to errors in production or errors in maintenance and then give the wrong analysis results," he said.

According to Bambang, Kemenristek Brin hopes that GeNose will actually be used to carry out the initial screening for COVID-19 and can also benefit the community. Therefore, he said, support from the faculty of medicine and the medical profession was needed.

"In the future, the early people who will use this tool will make a reference to ladies and gentlemen. The simple question is, is this tool sure to be used? Is this tool suitable for use? This will greatly determine the success of GeNose as a product needed by the community," he explained.

Bambang said that a product to be accepted by society must undergo several stages of testing. Apart from clinical trials and validation is a feasibility test in the community.

"The community will determine whether the product is useful and really needed or not," he said.