Expressions Of Happy Jiwasraya Customers After Meeting OJK

JAKARTA - As many as 30 Jiwasraya customers came to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) office today, Wednesday, February 12. The Jiwasraya customers were received by OJK Deputy Commissioner for Public Relations and Logistics Anto Prabowo and OJK Public Relations Director Darmansyah.

A representative of BNI Jiwasraya customers admitted that they were relieved after holding a meeting with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) regarding the process of disbursing their funds that had not been paid by the BUMN insurance company.

"I am rather happy that it turns out that they (OJK) do not remain silent," said a Jiwasraya insurance customer, Ida Tumota.

Apparently, he continued, on that occasion it was stated that the OJK had held a meeting with the BUMN (Ministry), Minister of Finance, the DPR and even the government to discuss how their money could be paid.

Even so, he said, Jiwasraya's insurance customers are still waiting for clarity on the payment date of their investment funds since October 2018.

On that occasion, Ida also read out the wishes of a number of customers to immediately disburse their investment funds in Jiwasraya Insurance to maintain public confidence in the insurance industry.

"With any mechanism and method so that the claim arrears to be paid immediately, at the same time in cash and completely," he said.

Meanwhile, another customer Mahril admitted that the OJK representative who received them accommodated the aspirations related to the default to be followed up again.

"The demands have been submitted. I hope the OJK can help us," he said.

One of Jiwasraya's customers named Puspita said that this meeting was not the first time because he had previously met with OJK which was held at Wisma Mulia Building.

This retired lecturer from a tertiary institution in East Java admitted that this meeting was an invitation from the OJK after the Jiwasraya customer forum wrote to the OJK. He hopes that the money invested in the insurance will be disbursed soon after there has been no clarity since October 2018.

Bond Options

The customers proposed the issuance of bonds to handle cases of default so that their investment funds could be disbursed.

"That's a suggestion. He said it was recorded, then reported would be input," said Mahril.

According to him, bond issuance is another option after the government has proposed several options, such as the formation of a holding company to a subsidiary.

Regarding these options, continued Mahril, dozens of customers also want to know the steps and developments so that they can be paid because the previous information was planned to be paid in stages at the end of March 2020.

"Hopefully there will be disbursement by the end of March," he said.