8 Tricks To Cook Delicious Vegetables According To Children's Tastes

YOGYAKARTA Vegetables are good for health, including for children who may not recognize the benefits. Not infrequently, children find it difficult to eat vegetables, whereas according to the American Academy of Pediatrics MyPlate recommends children aged 2-3 years eating one cup of vegetables per day. Bigger children, aged 4-8 years, need to eat 1 vegetable as much as 1 2-3 cups per day and more at the age of 9-13, which is 2 cups per day.

Teenagers aged 14-18 years, 2 1 cups for girls and 3 cups of vegetables for boys. To make it easier to include a daily vegetable menu, here are tricks to process vegetables according to children's tastes. Most importantly, don't force children to eat them. This means that it is necessary to make vegetables a food that families usually eat and create a positive relationship with vegetables.

This vegetable can be eaten up to the stem. Cut it according to the size and boil the water. Enter the asparagus that has been washed clean in boiling water, let stand for 2-4 minutes or make it easier.

Asparagus is also delicious when cooked. If you roast, add olive oil. For larger children, a little salt and pepper can be added.

There are many ways to process avocado, apart from being lubricated into juice, it's also delicious if you eat it with a cream or chocolate hat. Unlike asparagus which can be boiled or roasted, avocado is delicious to eat raw or unprocessed. For example, by mixing it into pasta, mix it with lemon and add a little salt. Then add it for roast bread filling. Can also be thinned and added on top of the roast asparagus to get a more creamy taste.

Before processing, broccoli only needs to be cut by the cumuli. Leave one inch of the stem or cut it with the right size. How to process broccoli, the first by boiling. In addition to boiling, it can roast which is coated with olive oil and sprinkle salt pepper.

Carrots can be processed into fresh soup with other vegetables. You can add onions and chicken broth. In addition to making soup, carrots can also be trimmed and used as salad material withrik and sunflower seeds.

To add to the variety of daily vegetables, you can process cucumber into several dishes. The first is for salad mixtures by making them like ribbons. It can also be used for a mixture of fresh sauce with a mixture of fresh yogurt, lemon juice, pinched garlic, and a little salt. This sauce can also be sold for chicken or fish.

Terong after roasting, the vegetable meat can be taken so that it can be processed into sauce. The cassava from terong is mixed with lemon juice, olive oil, yogurt, salt, pepper, and fine garlic. In addition, it boils until the iceline with marine sauce is also delicious.

Of course, potatoes have more variations instead of being fried into French fries. You can add boiled potatoes mixed with meat and additional fresh spices such as onions and garlic. This can roast to become a healthy little bread. Fries are also delicious when mixed in soup with carrots, broccoli, and asparagus.

When cooked, spinach will shrink. But these healthy green vegetables can be processed into smoothies so they won't shrink. Mix it with milk, peanut butter, and a handful of spinach. This tastes delicious and the children will like it. If processed into salads, spinach can be combined with fried boiled chicken and boiled eggs.

Those are eight tricks to cook vegetables for children. The above tricks can be practiced to meet the children's vegetable menu and they like it because it's delicious.