East Kalimantan Governor: East Kalimantan Becomes A Strategic Partner Of IKN Nusantara

JAKARTA - East Kalimantan Provincial Governor Isran Noor emphasized that the government he leads is a strategic partner of the central government to realize the development of the capital city of the archipelago.

"We have the spirit that East Kalimantan is a strategic partner for the capital city of the archipelago," said East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor in Samarinda, quoted from Antara, Saturday, April 8.

As a form of support for the realization of IKN, said Isran in the East Kalimantan Regional Development Plan (RPD) 2024-2026, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government carries a development tagline, namely "Building East Kalimantan for the Archipelago".

With this tagline, it is stated that East Kalimantan is ready to synergize as a partner of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) in preparing competitive human resources (HR).

In addition, East Kalimantan continues to strive to realize inclusive and sustainable economic growth. No less important, continued Isran, with all its natural resources potential, East Kalimantan is also committed to improving the quality of the environment.

"According to the development, IKN carries green areas and forest cities, future smart forest city," he said.

Even the Chairperson of APPSI also emphasized the commitment of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government to create a responsive, and public service-oriented government.

Therefore, the content of the RPD is strengthening access to education and health services, including accelerating the reduction in stunting prevalence rates.

Acceleration of poverty reduction, including extreme poverty, he admitted, is still a priority for the East Kalimantan development program.

Also increasing gender empowerment as a form of gender justice and equality based on women's participation and decision-making.

"In the provincial government alone, there are 22 people who become echelon one and two officials held women, as well as the position of the Regional Secretary, the head of the service, the head of the agency as well as the Secretary, the Regent, the deputy mayor, the deputy regent, only the mayor does not yet exist. This means that our gender numbers are high," he said.

The former East Kutai Regent also emphasized that the Provincial Government continues to encourage the acceleration of an inclusive economic transformation in an effort to realize regional economic resilience.

Then equal distribution of community welfare, as well as improving quality, accessibility and connectedness of infrastructure, especially basic infrastructure.

Likewise, efforts are made and improved the quality of water, air and land in order to reduce carbon emissions.

"We have been recognized by the world. If we get World Bank incentives and are enjoyed by this nation, it is thanks to our hard work in managing the environment wisely so that it can reduce carbon emissions and provide benefits to the world," explained Isran Noor.