What Is Restless Leg Syndrome? Here Are The Symptoms And Causes

JAKARTA - Restless legs are the most common problem experienced by nearly 2 million people per year in Indonesia. Restless leg syndrome is called Willis Ekbom. The desire to move the legs uncontrollably is a symptom of this syndrome.

The sufferer will feel the urge to move the legs because there is discomfort in the legs. Can recur at any time, either evening, morning or evening. Symptoms can arise in the condition of the body from sitting to lying down.

Reported by John Hopkins Medicine, restless leg syndrome can be experienced by anyone. An estimated 5 percent of the population has this syndrome, 10 percent of whom are around the age of 65.

The symptoms experienced by sufferers of Willis Ekbom are as follows:

1. The sensation and urge to move the legs are generally felt after lying down or sitting for a long time. Usually when traveling long distances, for example in a car, and other transportation.

2. These symptoms will decrease after stretching the ankle and its surroundings. There is a sense of relief after moving your legs and walking up and down.

3. The worst symptoms are experienced at night.

4. Feet throbbing at night so that it encourages to move the legs, either kicking or wiggling the legs.

Reported by the NHS, in most cases of restless leg syndrome there is no clear cause.

This syndrome can be inherited by lineage. Some neurologists who specialize in and study the nervous system believe that the symptoms of this syndrome have to do with how the body handles dopamine.

The natural chemical dopamine is involved in controlling muscle movement and may be responsible for the involuntary movement of the legs known as restless leg syndrome.

In some cases, this syndrome is caused by a medical condition, such as anemia or kidney failure, resulting in restless legs as a secondary effect.

There are also those who experience restless legs during pregnancy. One in 5 pregnant women experience this symptom during the last three months of pregnancy. The cause is not known with certainty and in this case the symptoms will disappear after delivery.

If the symptoms get worse, the sufferer may need drugs to regulate dopamine and iron levels in the body.

Based on patient data, women are twice as likely to experience restless leg syndrome than men. Although not life threatening, in the worst cases it can disrupt sleep, trigger anxiety and depression.

In mild cases, restless leg syndrome does not require any treatment, unless it is necessary to make lifestyle changes.

For example, by getting enough and regular sleep, avoiding alcohol and caffeine consumption, quitting smoking and regular exercise in the morning or evening.