Update On David Ozora's Health Condition, Improved And No Longer In The ICU

JAKARTA - Attorney David Ozora, Mellisa Anggraini revealed that David's health condition has continued to improve until now. Finally, he was no longer in the ICU.

" David's current condition has been more than 7 weeks ago, his status has been lowered in the HCU room," Mellisa told reporters at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday, April 6.

Mellisa also said that David had improved. However, he still hasn't been able to respond to color, stand up and sit down instantly. Therefore, David is still doing October therapy.

In addition, David also still needs further assessment related to his physical and psychological.

"This means that a simple order must come 1 by 1, if the order is made, it will get tangled immediately. Yesterday, a red, red route was installed to make a sound," he concluded.