Requirements For Entering The Independent Route Of PTN Complete With Entrance Schedule And Registration Procedures

YOGYAKARTA The latest prospective student must know the requirements for entering the 2023 state university (PTN) for independent lanes. By knowing the requirements for entering the PTN self-isolation route, prospective students can prepare it first.

As is known, to enter PTN, there are three paths that can be taken, one of which is the independent path by PTN. The PTN's independent path is the entrance to universities which in carrying out the registration process until the announcement is held independently by PTN.

It must also be noted that universities under the Ministry of Research and Technology will open independent lane registration after two other routes, namely SNBP and SNBT, have been completed. For prospective students who plan to enter PTN, the independent route must know the conditions that have been determined by each PTN. However, in general, the requirements for entering the independent path are as follows.

As is well known, policies related to self-selection are issued by each university, including those related to the self-selection schedule. However, if you refer to Permendikbudristek No. 48 of 2022, the PTN self-selection schedule must be held no later than the end of July of the year.

Later, if in the independent selection there is a PTN program that has not reached 50 percent of the total quota, then PTN may extend the selection of the study program until August 15 of the year.

Prospective students can register with PTN through independent channels online so that they can be done from anywhere. The procedure for registering independent PTN is as follows.

That's information regarding the entry requirements for the PTN self-isolation. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.