Recommended 3 Practical Iftar Menu And How To Make It

YOGYAKARTA Iftar menu can practically be a solution for those of you who don't have enough time to cook.

By using makeshift ingredients, you can still make delicious and practical takjil dishes. Simple dishes made with teoat spices will have delicious flavors.

Well, we have prepared a recommendation for a practical iftar menu that you can serve for your family at home.

The iftar menu can practically be made with simple ingredients at home. In addition, the recitation process is also not long. It only takes 30 minutes to make a practical iftar menu. Check out the following recommendations.

1. Copyre ice citrus

The first practical iftar menu is orange copyor ice. This drink can be a thirst reliever after a day of hunger-resistant and thirst. Coconut water combined with orange water makes orange copyor ice taste the third fresh to drink.

To make it even more delicious, you can add family favorite tots, such as coconut juice, plus roof fruit.

The following is a fresh and delicious recipe for lime copyor ice.


How to create:

2. Capcay

Capcay is included in a healthy practical iftar menu. This kaarena capcay consists of a variety of vegetables, such as cauliflower, mustard, carrots, and mushrooms. These various types of vegetables can keep your body strong during the fasting month.

Here's a delicious and healthy capcay recipe.



How to create:

3. Tumis beans tofu tiram sauce

Tiram sauce beans are very suitable as a iftar menu, especially for those of you who don't have time to cook.

Besides being easy to process, this menu is also healthy and can fill the stomach without making a stop.

Here's a recipe for stir beans tofu salt sauce for iftar menus.


How to create:

This is information about the practical iftar menu and how to make it. Read on VOI.ID to get other interesting news.