Whatever The Reason, It Is Inappropriate To Raise Toll Rates During The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk will make tariff adjustments on its six toll roads starting January 17, 2021. One of the reasons for the company's tariff adjustment is the condition of toll road business entities (BUJT) which are critically under pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic. Even so, public policy observers think this step is inappropriate for whatever reason.

The six toll roads that will make tariff adjustments are the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR), Cikampek-Padalarang (Cipularang), Padalarang-Cileunyi (Padaleunyi), Semarang Sections A, B, C, Palimanan-Kanci (Palikanci), and Surabaya- Gempol (Surgem).

Then, tariff adjustments will also be applied to the Jakarta-Cikampek Flyover which will be integrated with the existing Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

Jasa Marga Corporate Secretary Mohammad Agus Setiawan said that the tariff adjustment is very important. This is because the COVID-19 pandemic has made the condition of toll road enterprises (BUJT) across the country critical.

This is because the volume of vehicles on toll roads has fallen by 50 percent. On the other hand, toll road operating costs are not reduced.

Agus said, Jasa Marga is also very concerned about the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impact of the pandemic has not only reduced people's purchasing power, but also the health of business entities.

"This very difficult condition cannot be avoided. So if the time is right, there will be no right for the tariff adjustment. But with the conditions previously stated, the current stipulation and adjustment has been delayed quite a long time," he said at a press conference. virtually, Thursday, January 14th.

Toll road illustration. (Photo: Doc. Hutama Karya)

Jasa Marga ensures there is a rationalization so that there are rates that go up and also go down. Agus also emphasized that Jasa Marga continues to strive to meet the minimum service standards (SPM).

Agus said that the Toll Road Business Entity had postponed the tariff adjustment for up to 13 months. Meanwhile, he said, toll roads are a form of investment in BUJT. This means that there is an investment agreement issued between the government and BUJT.

"Please understand, we are toll road business entities (BUJT) with the Ministry of PUPR and the Ministry of BUMN have very much paid attention to many considerations with existing conditions," he explained.

For example, said Agus, the Jakarta-Cikampek elevated toll road will eventually set the tariff which is integrated with the existing Jakarta-Cikampek toll road. He said that the tariff needs to be carried out because of the high investment disbursed to build the Jakarta-Cikampek elevated toll road section considering that the infrastructure is built on roads.

According to Agus, one of the returns on the investment is the rates charged to motorists.

"It should have been charged in advance, it has been operated for free since December 15, 2019, but it has only been charged at this time. If there is no return on investment, BUJT will collapse," he said.

The tariff adjustment takes into account the ability of road users

Head of the General Section of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Mahbullah Nurdin said that the government stipulates the tariff adjustment also takes into account the ability or purchasing power of road users.

"We don't just increase without counting, we increase it based on the calculation of the ability of road users. In addition, we also pay attention to the size of the need for the toll road feasibility operation costs," said Nurdin.

JORR toll road. (Photo: Doc. Ministry of PUPR)

Not only that, said Nurdin, tariff adjustments must be made. According to him, this is for the continuity of investment from BUJT. This is because toll roads are not made entirely from the APBN.

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"We must pay attention to the balance between the sustainability of the toll road industry. Including the interests of consumers. We BPJT are very serious in considering the balance. We also postpone adjustments by taking into account the condition of the community including the COVID-19 pandemic," he explained.

Nurdin assessed that currently economic growth has started to improve. In addition, it is also supported by the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine vaccination which began on Wednesday, January 13.

"God willing, the pandemic will soon be lifted from Indonesian soil so that the economy will improve. So this (toll tariff adjustment) will be implemented starting January 17, 2021," he said.

Improper adjustments made

Public Policy Observer from Trisakti University, Trubus Rahadiansyah, considered that the government's steps to adjust tariffs during the COVID-19 pandemic were still in progress.

"In my opinion, it is not right. Whatever the reason. Because of the current condition, our community has decreased purchasing power. Second, the current condition of the household is apprehensive. Third, people's savings have been used up to survive in 2020," he said, when contacted by VOI, Thursday night, January 14th.

Another reason, said Trubus, is that this tariff adjustment will have an impact on rising prices for basic commodities. So that, it will make the community even more depressed in the midst of the crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"This tariff adjustment will have an impact on logistics so that the prices of goods and services will rise. Therefore, in my opinion, the government should not raise toll rates first. So that prices can still be controlled. If the tolls go up, the prices of goods will automatically increase," he said.

Trubus did not deny that the pandemic situation would also have an impact on the toll road business (BUJT). However, making current tariff adjustments is not the right solution.

Public Policy Observer from Trisakti University, Trubus Rahadiansyah. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

"The business risk is high, but the government must refrain from raising it so as not to burden the community. At least wait for the development of mass vaccinations," he said.

According to Trubus, Jasa Marga must be able to refrain from making tariff adjustments for the next one year while at the same time waiting for the impact of vaccination on national economic recovery.

"Look first at the development of vaccination against the economy. Because we are currently experiencing an economic recession. So if it is positive or at least close to zero, people's consumption grows, economic activity continues, then Jasa Marga will raise the tariff," he said.

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