DKI Vaccinate COVID-19 Without Anies, Hospital Is Ready To Handle Side Effects After Injection

JAKARTA - Today, DKI Jakarta Province is holding a ceremony for injecting the COVID-19 vaccine to 21 figures. However, there is no name of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan on the list of figures. The name of Deputy Governor of DKI, Ahmad Riza Patria, was also not included.

Head of the DKI Health Service, Widyastuti, explained that Anies and Riza were not included in the priority phase of the first phase vaccines using the current Sinovac brand because they had been confirmed positive for COVID-19.

"For Jakarta, because he (Anies and Riza) are survivors of (COVID-19), he is not the target of vaccination at this time," said Widyastuti when contacted, Tuesday, January 12.

Widyastuti did not specify the names of the figures who will be vaccinated today. What is clear, he said, is that these figures will still be screened first to make sure they can be vaccinated or not.

"On January 15, about 21 people will be injected. The 21 people are representatives of organizations, professional organizations, religious leaders and public officials," said Widyastuti, Thursday, January 14.

One of the figures originally planned to be vaccinated was the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi. However, Prasetio admitted that he was declared ineligible to be vaccinated at this stage, based on the results of the health assessment.

"Not because of age or having tested positive for Covid-19, but I am in the comorbid group who cannot be vaccinated. After going through clinical trials and rigorous analysis of vaccines for a comorbid person, God willing, I am ready to receive the Covid-19 vaccine at a later stage," he said. Prasetyo via the Instagram account @prasetyoedimarsudi.

Health facilities are prepared

After starting vaccinating health workers since Thursday, January 14 yesterday, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is also preparing 21 referral hospitals to handle post-immunization follow-up events (AEFI) or the side effects of COVID-19 vaccination in Jakarta.

Head of the DKI Health Service, Widyastuti, said that the preparation of these health facilities was carried out together with the Regional Committee for Assessment and Control (Komda PP).

"We have prepared a team to monitor the impact of post-vaccination at every administrative level. In addition, 21 KIPI referral hospitals for COVID-19 vaccination have been prepared if treatment is needed due to AEFI," said Widyastuti.

AEFI is a reaction in a person's body that occurs after receiving a vaccination injection. Symptoms vary. Mild local symptoms include pain, redness, and swelling in the area where the injection was given. Meanwhile, mild systemic symptoms can include fever, headache, weakness, or feeling unwell.

Meanwhile, severe AEFI symptoms can also occur but tend to be rare. This is generally caused by an immune system response such as an allergy to vaccines. Symptoms include decreased platelets, seizures, and hypotonia. However, severe AEFI symptoms can be completely cured without any long-term effects.

"We are currently in the process of making the Governor's Decree, the provincial KIPI PP Komda, and the regional KIPI PP Study Working Group," he said.

DKI Jakarta Province has received the Sinovac Vaccine from PT Biofarma since January 4, 2021, 39,200 vials, 39,200 vials on January 7, and 41,640 vials on January 11, which are stored in the Cold Room of the Vaccine Warehouse of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office.

DKI has started the 1st phase of vaccination with the target of health workers. The target of vaccination for phase 1 is 131,000 people in all health service facilities in DKI Jakarta, based on data on the SI-SDMK website as of January 11, 2021.

However, the data is dynamic. This is because the doses of vaccine that DKI received in phase 1 were only 120,040 vials. The vaccine is only for 60,000 health workers,

"The number is still insufficient because data on health workers and supporters in DKI Jakarta are 131,000, based on SI-SDMK data as of January 11, 2021," said Widyastuti.

"We have to make sure the existing logistics can secure 2 doses for 1 person first. Because the vaccine is given 2 doses (2 times) after 14 days," he added.

There are 488 health facilities (health facilities) in DKI Jakarta that have been registered by P-Care BPJS as implementing the COVID-19 immunization, according to the requirements that have been set.

The number of vaccinators currently available in five cities and regencies of DKI Jakarta Province is 1,500 vaccinators with a daily target of 19,741 vaccines. The government has also provided training for the COVID-19 Vaccine with a total of 2,325 participants.