Raffi Ahmad's Case Crowded By Police Investigates, Will It Lead To Crime?

JAKARTA - Artist Raffi Ahmad is currently in the spotlight. Because, after being injected with the COVID-19 vaccine he was actually involved in the crowd. Thus, it is considered to have violated the rules of the health protocol (prokes). The police also stepped in to investigate the alleged violation.

From the results of the examination, the event which was known to be the birthday party took place in one of the houses located at Jalan Prapanca Dalam Number 3, Pela Mampang, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta.

Kapolsek Mampang Prapatan Kompol Sujarwo said the results of the interim investigation revealed that the presence of Raffi Ahmad along with his wife and children at the event just happened. Because, actually Raffi was not officially invited.

Raffi came to the event because he was asked by the owner's son. Raffi and the owner's son are business partners. Apart from that, based on the results of an interim investigation, Raffi did not stay at the event too long.

Regardless of Raffi's presence at the event, the police emphasized that they would still investigate the alleged violation of the prokes. But the handling will coordinate with related parties.

"We are still investigating. We are still looking for information and later will coordinate with the COVID-19 Handling Task Force," said Sujarwo.

In the process of investigation, the police have taken the statements of several witnesses. From this examination, it was found that the event was not attended by many people.

"So far, based on the testimony of witnesses who we asked for information at the event, only 18 people attended," he said.

Furthermore, the police will compare the witness's testimony with video evidence regarding the number of guests at the birthday event which caused a crowd and involved Raffi Ahmad. Based on viral video recordings, the police thought the number of guests was more than what the witness said.

"Later we will compare it (witness testimony with video evidence). Because the video looks busy. Later we will also count the number of people in the video," said Sujarwo.

In addition, from the results of the interim investigation, all invited guests had to undergo an antigen swab. But when referring to viral videos and photos, none of the invited guests wore masks during the event.

"That's why we check again. So far we are still investigating," he said.

In addition, the police also highlighted home owners who deliberately held events during the pandemic. He emphasized that the police have never received a request for permission or issued a permit regarding the crowd.

"There was never a permit, they also never asked permission about the event," he said.

Sujarwo emphasized that if from the beginning the house owner asked for permission to organize the event, his party would certainly not allow it. This is because government regulations have firmly limited activities that have the potential to cause transmission.

"Even though he had the previous permit, we still won't allow it. Right now it's a pandemic, so all activities that cause crowds are not allowed," he said.

Meanwhile, Raffi Ahmad, who was aware that his actions were in the spotlight, finally spoke up. Through his personal Instagram account @ raffinagita1717, Raffi apologized to all parties.

"Regarding the incident last night, where I was seen gathering with friends without a mask and without keeping a distance, first I apologize profusely to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. @jokowi, the Presidential Secretariat, KPCPEN, and also to all Indonesian people for this incident. , "said Raffi Ahmad.

Still through his Instagram account, Raffi Ahmad also did not justify the crowding he had done. Raffi admitted that he was careless so he made mistakes.

"To be honest, last night's incident was purely due to my negligence, because of my mistake. In the future I will adhere more to the 3M health protocol (wearing masks, keeping your distance, washing your hands). I also hope that my friends and all Indonesian people will continue to carry out the protocol. health, even though vaccinations are running. Vaccines and health protocols are one unit, "he said.