Increase Toll Rates During The COVID-19 Pandemic, Jasa Marga: Please Understand, BUJT Is Again Unhealthy

JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk revealed the reasons behind tariff adjustments on six toll roads and one toll road tariff integration in early 2021. This is because the COVID-19 pandemic has not only suppressed people's purchasing power, but also the health of Toll Road Business Entities. (BUJT).

Jasa Marga Corporate Secretary (JSMR) Mohammad Agus Setiawan said that the tariff adjustment is very important. This is because the COVID-19 pandemic has made the condition of BUJTs across the country critical.

This is because the volume of vehicles on toll roads has fallen by 50 percent. On the other hand, toll road operating costs are not reduced.

"This very difficult condition cannot be avoided, so if the time is right, there will be no right for the tariff adjustment. But with the conditions previously stated, the current stipulation and adjustment has delayed quite a long time," he said in a press conference. virtually, Thursday, January 14th.

Agus stated that the BUJT had postponed the tariff adjustment for up to 13 months. Meanwhile, he said, toll roads are a form of investment in BUJT. This means that there is an investment agreement issued between the government and BUJT.

"Please understand, we are toll road business entities (BUJT) with the Ministry of PUPR and the Ministry of BUMN have very much paid attention to many considerations with existing conditions," he explained.

Jasa Marga ensures there is a rationalization so that there are rates that go up and also go down. Agus also emphasized that Jasa Marga continues to strive to meet the minimum service standards (SPM).

Agus gave an example, especially for the Jakarta-Cikampek Flyover Toll Road, the tariff will also be determined which is integrated with the existing Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

"It should have been charged in advance, it has been operated for free since December 15, 2019 but has only been charged the current tariff," he said.

Not only that, said Agus, the company also needs to consider business continuity because the Jakarta-Cikampek Flyover is a business entity investment. Agus said the investment could only be returned from toll revenues.

"If there is no return on investment, BUJT will collapse," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of General Section of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Mahbullah Nurdin asked BUJT to fulfill SPM after tariff adjustments. Nurdin emphasized that the consumer's interest in the services provided by BUJT must be fulfilled.

Nurdin also ensured that the government set tariff adjustments by taking into account the ability or purchasing power of road users. In addition, it also considers the continuity of investment from BUJT.

"We BPJT are very serious in considering the balance (toll road users and BUJT). We also postpone adjustments by taking into account the condition of the community including the COVID-19 pandemic," he explained.

Currently, said Nurdin, national economic growth has also begun to improve. In addition, it is also supported by the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine which began on Wednesday, January 13.

For your information, the six toll roads that will make tariff adjustments are the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR), Cikampek-Padalarang (Cipularang), Padalarang-Cileunyi (Padaleunyi), Semarang Sections A, B, C, Palimanan-Kanci (Palikanci), and Surabaya-Gempol (Surgem).

In addition, tariffs will also be applied to the Jakarta-Cikampek Flyover which will be integrated with the existing Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.