The Governor Of West Sumatra Asks Its Citizens Not To Be Eaten By The Covid-19 Vaccine Hoax: MUI Has Declared Halal

PADANG - West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno asked the public not to be swallowed up by hoaxes about the COVID-19 vaccine. Hoaks called Irwan were spread by people who did not understand and did not have knowledge about it.

"MUI has declared halal. BPOM has recommended its use. The two institutions are experts in their fields. If we don't have the knowledge, then follow the experts who have the knowledge," said Irwan in Padang as quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 14.

He said the hoax about the COVID-19 Sinovac Vaccine spread mainly through social media. But he believes most of those who spread the information are not vaccinators and do not know about vaccines. According to Irwan, people who misunderstand the COVID-19 vaccine are only consumed by hoaxes and participate in spreading it.

"Information on social media can influence people's views about vaccines. Even though this is one solution to break the chain of spreading COVID-19," he said.

According to him, the media plays an important role in providing correct understanding to the public about the vaccine. Don't get carried away by making controversial news whose truth is unclear.

"The media is one of the bastions of fake news or hoaxes," added Irwan.

Meanwhile, the Spokesperson for the West Sumatra COVID-19 Task Force, Jasman, who was also vaccinated in stage I, stated that there was no effect felt after receiving the vaccine injection.

"The health condition is still fine. There is no problem," he said.

Having proven himself the safety of the vaccine, he invited the people of West Sumatra to support the COVID-19 vaccination program being implemented.

"This is for the sake of breaking the chain of spreading this virus," he said.