Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno Prepared Gercep, Geber, And Gaspol To Generate Tourism
JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf), Sandiaga Uno believes that 2021 is a year of recovery for the tourism sector and the creative economy. He has also prepared three strategies to attract more tourists this year.
"The three Kemenparekraf platforms will focus on innovation, adaptation and collaboration. Innovation, because we will solve all problems with new solutions and alternatives," he said, in a working meeting with Commission X DPR, Thursday, January 14.
Second, adaptation. Where the tourism industry will be directed to survive in all conditions, including in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Lastly, collaboration. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandi said, will drive the tourism sector and the creative economy by working together in synergy to achieve maximum growth.
"To implement these efforts we will convey an innovation strategy. These are basic efforts ranging from cleaning toilets to hotels, super priority destination programs to our tourist villages to improve their creative economy products, culinary and crafts, from dance clothing to infrastructure and interconnection," he explained.
With regard to collaboration, Sandiaga explained, his party would also cooperate with all relevant stakeholders. Kampenye regarding 3G, 4K and 5 Super Priority Destinations will continue to be intensified.
"Collaboration, I think we all agree that collaboration, especially pentahelix, involves all parties. This is very much needed for all the implementation of the program to be in the spirit of 3G, 4K, 5 Destinations," he said.
The 3G concept is Gercep or fast movement, Geber or joint movement, Gaspol or working on all potential employment opportunities. Meanwhile, 4K is cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability.