Already Know? It Turns Out, Often Angry Makes The Immune System Weak

JAKARTA - Anger is one of the emotions that is a response to an incident or event being experienced.

Nobody escapes feeling angry, but it turns out that too much anger can have a bad effect on the body. Especially, can reduce the immune system.

Occasionally, getting angry can relieve stress. Pressures can be released in anger. But if you are constantly angry, it will not bring relief but will reduce your health.

Various scientific studies prove it, when angry outbursts often occur in the long term. So heart attacks and strokes await at the door.

Again, the negative effect of frequent anger is to weaken the immune system. The immune system or immunity is fully responsible for the attack of viruses and bacteria from outside the body and controls those in the body.

What if the immune system is weakened because of frequent anger?

In 2011 researchers at the University of Granada in Spain found that frequent anger is a past mistake that only regret.

Researchers interviewed 50 men and women about their feelings in the past. The results reported in the medical journal PLoS One show that those who think about bad things tend to get sick more easily.

This proves that anger is well documented by the body. Negative mood influences disrupt brain circuits. As patience decreases, the heart rate increases, blood pressure follows and blood flow becomes heavier as part of the response.

In the same condition, glucose levels in the blood also increase. This is the effect of the need for muscles to get the energy they need to 'act'.

Elsewhere in the body, the adrenal glands pump out more of the hormone adrenaline. The pupil will be enlarged for sharper vision, the lungs will work hard to absorb oxygen.

Launching from the Daily Mail Health, Annie Hinchliff, a psychologist who works at Anger Management explained that the heart of someone who is angry will beat faster.

Vision becomes sharper, even with hearing. These are all normal responses that occur during anger to return to normal when the mood calms down.

All internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, and liver will be at risk for an angry person.

Scientists at Harvard University have studied the immune system being suppressed by anger.

In their research, they asked healthy people to focus on two emotions - anger and compassion. This aims to measure an antibody called immunoglobin A.

Immunoglobin A or IgA is the first line of defense to protect cells from invading organisms. Once releasing anger, the immune system is suppressed for six hours.

Conversely, increasing feelings of affection will significantly increase IgA.

Professor John Oxford, a virologist at Queen Mary's School of Medicine in London found evidence that stress can suppress immunity, viruses always take advantage of this condition.

According to him, the levels of the hormone cortisol, which are produced in excess during stress, can disrupt the body's fight against infection.

Researchers at Ohio State University corroborate these findings, minor burns will take longer to heal if the patient's anger is out of control.

This means that managing anger or other negative emotions is a healthy solution. Do you know how? Follow the next healthy lifestyle tips at VOI.