President Putin Signs Spring Military Mandatory Decree For The Russian Armed Forces, Will There Be More Mobilization?

JAKARTA - Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a cap on his spring military service in Russia, according to documents published, while new provisions regarding military service are being discussed in the State Duma.

"Implementing military service for citizens of the Russian Federation aged between 18 and 27, not as a reserve and eligible to take part in military service, between April 1 and July 15, 2023, with a total of 147,000 people," the sentence reads.

In addition, the envoy also dismissed soldiers, sailors, deputies, and non-commissioned officers whose military service period had expired.

Separately, the Head of the Russian General Staff's Main Organizational and Mobilization Department, Rear Admiral Vladimir Tsimlyansky, said his party had no plans to carry out a second wave of mobilization, as the current number of volunteers and soldiers was sufficient to fulfill special operations tasks in Ukraine.

"I want to assure you, the General Staff plan does not include the mobilization of the second wave. The number of military service and people who voluntarily participate in operations (specifically) is now sufficient to meet their goals," he explained.

According to him, "the number of citizens who decided to join the Russian armed forces under a mandatory military contract has increased significantly recently."

Meanwhile, a bill on the gradual increase in military service age is currently being discussed. Earlier, the Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Andrey Kartapolov said that this spring and fall military service would run in accordance with previous regulations.

According to the initiative currently being studied by the State Duma, later the age of military service will be between 19 and 30 years in 2024, between 20 and 30 years in 2025, and between 21 and 30 years in 2026.

Citizens will also be able to apply for military service at the age of 18, if they wish, even though the age of military service has been raised.

It is known, during the fall of 2022, as many as 120,000 people underwent military service, with 134,500 people serving in the military last spring.