PPP Predicts Cabinet Reshuffle Will Be Carried Out By Jokowi After Eid

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has given a signal that he will immediately reshuffle the cabinet. PPP predicts that Jokowi will carry out the cabinet reshuffle after this Eid."PPP predicts that the reshuffle will be after Eid al-Fitr, like previous habits," said PPP DPP chairman Achmad Baidowi or Awiek, Friday, March 31."But that is the authority of all of them, the prerogative of the president," he continued.Regarding the reshuffle issue to be carried out on April 12, the DPR member admitted that he did not know for sure. However, he believes the reshuffle will be held in the near future."When it's time no one knows because it's the prerogative of the President. However, the signal is very strong," he said.But what is certain, according to him, is that Jokowi will inaugurate the minister of youth and sports (Menpora) left by Zainudin Amali. Awiek assessed that this position must be filled immediately."Whatever it is, it all depends on President Jokowi to reshuffle when and who. But what is clear is that like the Menpora, there needs to be a new person filling in," said Awiek.Previously, President Joko Widodo or Jokowi said he would immediately reshuffle the cabinet. The issue of a cabinet reshuffle has resurfaced recently after the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali resigned because he was elected as Deputy Chairperson of PSSI."“Segera," said Jokowi as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 29.