Mourning Citizen Sheikh Ali Jaber Dies

JAKARTA - Citizens are grieving at the news of the death of the Ulama Sheikh Ali Jaber. The news was conveyed by Ustas Yusuf Mansyur via his personal Instagram.

The hashtag #SyekhAliJaber also occupied Twitter's trending board this morning. According to the video uploaded by Ustaz Yusuf Mansyur, Ali Jeber died at around 08.30 WIB at Yarsi Cempaka Putih Hospital, Jakarta.

"Innaa lillaahi Wa Innaa Ilaihi Raaji'uun, Syeikh Ali died (at) 8:30 a.m. Yarsi Cempaka Putih Hospital, Jakarta," he wrote as quoted by VOI, Thursday, January 14.

According to Yusuf Mansyur, Sheikh Ali Jaber was confirmed positive for COVID-19 at the end of 2020. However, according to him, Syeh Ali Jaber's condition has improved and is negative for COVID-19.

"Syekh Ali has indeed been infected with Covid, but no. So died in a negative state of Covid, God knows best," he explained.

Warganet also mourned the news. They expressed their condolences for the cleric in the mass line.