Luke Evans Enjoys Playing The Same-Sex Man In Nine Perfect Strangers

JAKARTA - Hollywood actor Luke Evans talks about playing a gay man for the first time in his upcoming series, Nine Perfect Strangers.

Evans plays a gay lawyer in the series. He said it was fun playing a queer after years of playing straight characters.

"It's great fun playing a gay character after years of acting on stage and screen," he told The Times.

Evans also briefly responded to the never-ending debate about whether straight actors should play gay characters.

When asked if he thought there was "parity" in casting, he said: "I don't know. All I can answer is from a personal point of view, I've played a lot of different roles and I think things change every day.

"Obviously there is a very strong and loud dialogue about equality in the industry and getting the right people for the right roles - which I think is what is going to happen," he said.

Previously reported, Evans confirmed the end of his relationship with same-sex partner Rafael Olarra in an interview with The Times. He simply said: "That's what happened."

Evans made public his relationship with Olarra in February 2020 through a video he shared. In the video they are on vacation together in Hawaii.

However, speculation mounted in October that the gay couple's relationship ended after Evans unfollowed the Instagram account of Olarra, who works as a luxury arts recruiter for an American hotel chain.

Evans also removed all of Olarra's photos from the image-sharing platform, sparking speculation from fans that the Beauty and the Beast actor is back single.