The Salim Group Enters, Bakrie's Bumi Resources Sets A Record Revenue Of Up To IDR 128.7 Trillion

JAKARTA - PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) recorded a profit for the period attributable to owners of the parent entity of USD 525.3 million or IDR 7.93 trillion (exchange rate of IDR 15,092 per US dollar) throughout 2022. This amount increased by 213 percent compared to the previous year's USD 168 million or IDR 2.54 trillion.

Citing IDX's disclosure of information, Wednesday, March 29, the Bakrie Group entity recorded revenue of 8.53 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp128.73 trillion, an increase of 57 percent from the previous year's 5.42 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp81.8 trillion.

The revenue includes a consolidation report of PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) which set a record for its highest revenue.

Meanwhile, profit margin increased by 24 percent from the previous 20.5 percent. Profit before tax also increased 89 percent to 1.86 billion US dollars from the previous year at USD987.3 million US dollars.

In line with that, cost of goods sold also increased 52 percent in 2022. From 4.04 billion US dollars in 2021, to 6.13 billion US dollars in 2022.

Operatingly, BUMI recorded coal sales volume of up to 69.4 MT in 2022. This amount decreased by 12 percent compared to the previous year's 79 MT.

The details of the coal volume are sales by KPC of 48.2 MT or a decrease of 15 percent. Fiercely, coal sales by Arutmin amounted to 21.2 MT or decreased by 4 percent on an annual basis.

In mining, BUMI during 2022 has mined approximately 71.9 MT. This amount is down 8.76 percent compared to 2021 which is 78.7 MT.

If detailed again, mining from the KPC fell 9 percent and from Arutmin it fell 3 percent. The main cause is La Nina which causes continuous rain throughout the year which affects the output.

However, the realization of coal prices soared 80% to 121 US dollars per ton from 67.4 US dollars per ton. Production costs increased to 46.9 US dollars per ton from 37.1 US dollars per ton, due to high oil prices and the ratio of stripping.

As is known, unpaid debt has been repaid by converting MCB/OWK into shares and issuance of shares through PMTHMETD worth USD 1.6 billion equivalent to 200 billion shares for IDR 120 per share on October 22. The Salim group became the controlling shareholder along with Bakrie.