South Sulawesi Regional Police Arrests Online Shop Fraudsters, Embracing IDR 20.9 Million

MAKASSAR - The team from Resmob Polda South Sulawesi (Sulsel) backed up the Sidrap Police, arrested a woman suspected of embezzlement fraud, Nu (28).

"The suspected perpetrator was arrested by members on Wednesday, January 13, at around 12:13 WITA, at Jl. Abdullah Daeng Sirua Makassar, evidence that was secured from the cellphone and ATM perpetrators," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Criminal Investigation of South Sulawesi Police, Kompol Suprianto, to VOI, Wednesday, January 13th.

Kompol Suprianto, the suspected Nu perpetrator, is suspected of embezzling money against the victim Hs, around 20,975,000.

At that time the victim, Hs ordered an item in an online shop on social media, then the victim transferred the agreed amount of money. However, the victim's items were not sent.

Due to this fraud, the victim experienced a loss of Rp.20,975,000 and reported the incident to the police.

"The items that are sold are the headscarves, the hijabs he takes on the internet, he screenshots, then he offers them via Facebook, and many are interested in bargaining, then he asks for money first, then the money is sent, there is not only one victim," he said.

The suspected perpetrator who was arrested was immediately taken to the Regional Police Resmob for further investigation.

The perpetrator admitted that he had committed fraud by pretending to be an agent of an online shop and deceived the victim for Rp.20,975,000.

"The suspected article, Article 378 (fraud), now then the members communicate with the Police Sidrap to hand over the suspect and evidence," said Kompol Suprianto.