Alert! Telkomsel File Download Request Mode.APK Contains Malware

JAKARTA - Telkomsel urges customers to be aware of the mode of request for file downloading.APK The MyTelkomsel application is fictitious by irresponsible parties.

Usually, the perpetrators will spread download requests through a number of instant messaging platforms, such as WhatsApp and Telegram. The file is claimed to contain malware.

"Telkomsel subscriptions are advised to increase vigilance not to carelessly download files or access links (links) carelessly and without clarity, do not immediately believe if there is a direct gift offer, and do not provide personal data or financial service data such as secret banking," said Telkomsel Vice President of Corporate Communications Saki Hamsat Bramono in an official statement received by VOI, Tuesday, March 28.

The crime mode is known as the social engineering method, which is a manipulation technique by utilizing human mistakes or mistakes in order to gain access to personal information or valuable data in a number of digital application-based services, which are directly connected to public devices.

Perpetrators will trick the victim by conveying certain wedding invitations or celebrations, confirmation of delivery of expedition services, electronic ticketing letters, upgrade of digital banking or fintech applications, internet bills, job vacancies, including now there are those on the basis of using a fictitious MyTelkomsel application file.

Then, the perpetrator hopes that the prospective victim will access and download the fictitious file. After the installation process is complete, the potential victim is asked to provide access permits to several applications that allow criminals to steal confidential data directly from the device of the potential victim.

If access has been given to the perpetrator, it is very possible for the perpetrator of the crime to have control of the victim's device and know all confidential information such as PIN, password, and OTP code.

"Telkomsel is serious in dealing with the rampant potential for fraud that has the potential to happen to our customers. We always continue to carry out periodic socialization through all customer service channels to increase vigilance and are ready to coordinate with all relevant parties to follow up if there are reports from victims of various modes of crime, especially those on behalf of Telkomsel services," said Saki.

Therefore, Saki asked for more vigilance from Telkomsel customers not to respond to the request in question and not inform any codes to unknown parties.

For postpaid customers of Telkomsel Halo, in order to maintain comfort, it is recommended to always monitor or check the limit (limit) for the use of Telkomsel Halo regularly, in order to be in line with monthly use.

Saki stated that the company made sure it never asked for a verification code in any form, including sending requests to customers to download.APK files.

Telkomsel has also provided various service channels for customers who want to get information or make complaints if they experience potential fraud or crime on behalf of Telkomsel.

Customers can contact Call Center service 188, send SMS to 1166 in format: PENUPU #NOMOR PENIPU#ISI SMS PENIPUAN, send an email to or make a report to Telkomsel's official social media account.

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