Faisal Basri Asks Erick Thohir To Cancel UMKM Holding: BRI, Pawnshops, And PNM Are Not Suitable

JAKARTA - Senior economist from the University of Indonesia and Indef, Faisal Basri, asked the Ministry of BUMN to cancel the plan to form a holding company related to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) affairs. Because, according to him, the plan is considered inconsistent with the idea of advancing MSMEs.

The government plans to form a holding for MSME affairs. The goal is to assist in increasing the capacity of MSMEs in general. This holding consists of three state-owned companies, namely PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk as the holding company, PT Pegadaian (Persero), and PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) or PNM.

"The government's plan to form a holding UMKM contradicts the idea of advancing UMKM in totality. Because it seems as if the problem of MSMEs is only finance or capital. In fact, MSMEs also need market access, innovation, access to technology, and others," he said, in a virtual discussion, Wednesday, January 13th.

In addition, Faisal admitted, currently the majority of MSME players in the country are in need of capital assistance or financing to keep growing. However, the problem that befell them is more than just financing.

"Because to develop they also need access to information, market access, access to technology to be more productive, efficient and resilient. So, (the government) needs to help solve the fundamental problems faced by MSMEs," he said.

The second reason why the formation of this holding company does not need to be continued, said Faisal, is because of the striking business differences between the three state-owned companies. So, according to him, the holding of UMKM affairs seems forced even though it looks unsuitable.

For example, said Faisal, BRI's business has been more focused on serving the bankable MSME segment as well as the corporate segment. Meanwhile, the PNM business tends to be relatively new, so it is necessary to have a venture capital. Meanwhile, Pegadaian's business direction is precisely to help people experiencing short-term liquidity difficulties.

"So, it must be remembered that each type of business has certain characteristics. It can't be just beaten, and it can't be coupled like that. All good food, delicious pecel, good steak, then delicious tamarind vegetables. But if you combine it, we don't know what it tastes like. ), maybe even people don't want to eat anymore, "he said.

Therefore, Faisal asked the government through the Ministry of BUMN to cancel the plan to form a holding for UMKM affairs.

"Because it is a very misguided thought," he said.

For your information, since the first volume of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) administration, one of the big plans and priorities of the Ministry of BUMN is to merge several state-owned companies into one company or holding. After the change of BUMN Minister Rini Soemarno to Erick Thohir, this plan still echoes despite the pros and cons.

Currently, several state-owned holding companies have been recorded, including the mining sector holding company with the holding company PT Inalum, and the oil and gas sector holding company with the holding company PT Pertamina.

Most recently, the Ministry of BUMN is also trying to form a holding company for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) and Ultra Micro (UMi) which consists of three state-owned companies, namely PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, PT Pegadaian (Persero) , and PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero), with the parent company, BRI.