It Turns Out That The Jansen Song There Is Something That Discusses Physical Science

JAKARTA - Bassis unit punk rock asal Bogor, The Jansen, Adjie menjelaskan latar belakang dari berbagai lirik lagu The Jansen di album Banal Makin Binal. Hal ini ia sampaikan pada kanal YouTube Jeurnals beberapa waktu lalu.

Adjie said the lyrics of the song 7456 were inspired by the movie spectacle starring Stephen Chow.

"The first lyrics that I made were 7456. At first I watched the film Stephen Chow. But I forgot which one. Anyway, there is a scene," he opened.

"Then I thought about making lyrics about dancing but making comedy. The dance was identical to my party, I immediately thought about Jimi Multhazam," he explained.

In fact, he added, there is a lyric section of the song Dua Bitah Mata Sword which comes from physical science regarding the formula for calculating light.

"If Langit isn't supposed to be Blue, it's from a poem that I made from 2015. But if it's two Sword Eyes, it's more about knowledge," he added.

"I explained that the formula for light is not to calculate the dark, but the intensity of light. That's why there is a part of 'darkness is a light that is missing', that's the formula for calculating the true light," he said.

"I analogy is like a storm. A storm always comes when the sea water is calm," he concluded.

Through this, there is no need to be surprised if the various lyrics of The Jansen's song on the Banal album Are Getting More And More Binal, have unusual writing from punk rock bands in general.