The Foot Of The Victim Who Died In The Burst Of Thousands Of Mercons In Magelang Has Not Been Found

Central Java (Central Java) Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi stated that the pieces of the victim's legs that died in the explosion of thousands of firecrackers on behalf of Mufid (33) had not been found.

The explosion occurred in Junjungan Hamlet, Giriwarno Village, Kaliangkrik, Magelang Regency.

"The two legs of the victim have not been found and we continue to investigate the victims who died so that it is complete, it is true that the victim was the impact of the explosion," said Ahmad Luthfi in Magelang, Central Java, Monday, March 27, as reported by Antara.

The explosion that occurred on the evening of Sunday, March 26, also resulted in two people being injured and three people suffering from shortness of breath. They were taken to the hospital and have now been allowed to go home.

In addition, the explosion of firecracker-making materials also damaged at least 11 houses around the scene.

The Kapolda said that based on the development of this case, the Central Java Police had formed a special team led by the Director of Criminal Investigation and had found 10 kilograms of firecrackers made from several owners. For the time being, one suspect with the initials I has been arrested.

"This is a warning for all of us. We will continue this development to make learning for other people," he said.

The Regional Police Chief added that his party had coordinated with the police chief, the Dandim, and the regent to carry out community service to help people affected by the explosion.

"Today we will open the TKP and last night we closed it so that there are still other materials from the source of the explosion," he said.

During the TKP examination, the Central Java Police deployed the Gegana, Inafis, and Forensic Laboratory teams. From the results of the investigation, the explosion occurred in the low category because of firecracker-making materials, such as potassium, sulfur, and aluminum powder.

The Regional Police Chief said that several witnesses who were questioned said that at the victim's house where the explosion occurred, 7.5 kilograms of firecrackers were made or kg.