OJK Opens Venture Boss Vacancies And Crypto Assets, Three Digit Salaries Await?

JAKARTA – Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) secara resmi mengumumkan seleksi pemilihan calon anggota Dewan Komisioner (DK) Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Periode 2023–2028 mulai pekan ini yang bisa diakses melalui laman https://seleksi-dkojk.kemenkeu.go.id.

It was stated that the elected participants would become members of the non ex-officio DK Financial Services Authority in accordance with their duties and authorities according to the law.

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani was appointed as chairman of the selection committee by involving eight other people from various elements as members of the selection committee. In his explanation, there are two positions offered to the public.

"First, the Chief Executive of Financing Institutions, Ventura Capital Companies, Micro Financial Institutions, and Other Financial Services Institutions concurrently for DK Members," he said through a virtual channel on Monday, March 27.

And the second is the Chief Executive of the Supervision of Financial Sector Technology Innovation, Digital Financial Assets and Crypto Assets concurrently for DK Members.

For information, the position of a member of the OJK DK is a strategic position under the direct chairman of the OJK DK Mahendra Siregar who is the helm of the authority.

For these important positions and responsibilities, it is directly proportional to the value of the remuneration received.

Based on the VOI study some time ago, the 2021 OJK employee remuneration budget ceiling is IDR 3.65 trillion.

Meanwhile, the number of employees at that time was 4,062 people (including the assumption of adding 212 people in the same year).

So, if averaged from the income of one OJK employee is IDR 898.5 million per year or equivalent to IDR 74.8 million per month.

For the record, this calculation is a basic picture in general, while the position of Member of the OJK Board of Commissioners is a high position in the organization.

The elected DK members will later oversee a number of financial service institutions in Indonesia led by top directors with super high income. Thus, it is unlikely that the value of supervisory remuneration is lower than the supervised directors.

Break through three digits?