The Omnibus Law That Has Never Been Discussed By The DPR

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has instructed that the omnibus law for employment and taxation be completed within 100 days. However, Jokowi must accept the fact that the omnibus law is far from starting. This is because until now the draft law (RUU) has not been accepted by the DPR.

Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament Puan Maharani admitted that his party had not received the draft or presidential letter (Surpres) on the Omnibus Law draft. Both the Job Creation Bill and Taxation.

"I have not received (Surpres) yet, maybe because there is still a mechanism. But if it is accepted, of course we will do it according to the mechanism. If indeed it has been included in one of the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas), of course it will be one of the priorities. discussed in the DPR, "he said, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, February 10.

Puan admitted that her party does not yet know whether the Omnibus Law Bill will be discussed per commission or not, considering that the Draft Bill has cross-sectoral discussions. According to him, currently the DPR is still waiting for the draft bill, especially since this bill is a government initiative.

"It looks like it will involve a commission. So the commission will discuss, Baleg will discuss. But what kind of things will be discussed, meaning what the cluster is related to, that will be after we receive the draft, we will receive the Surpes, of course we will discuss it. "he explained.

On the other hand, Puan hopes that the draft Omnibus Law Bill which will be discussed together with the government will provide benefits to the community. Given that there is a deadline requested by President Jokowi, Puan assessed that the discussion of the bill needs to be accelerated.

According to Puan, even though the deliberation of the bill was accelerated, it did not rule out the transparency of the discussion. This is because the DPR does not want negative prejudice from the public.

"But don't cause prejudice, then don't cause harm to the people, and don't let it be of no benefit to the people. So sooner will be better, but not in a hurry will be even better," he said.

The Government Must Get Intensive Socialization

Puan also asked the government to more aggressively socialize the Omnibus Law Bill to the public. The goal is to prevent massive rejection by the public, such as the Criminal Code Bill in September last year.

This is because the Omnibus Law Bill has recently been protested by several groups, namely workers, students and civil society. As is well known, the omnibus law or the 'sweep the universe' law is planned to discuss four clusters, namely Taxation, Job Creation, Pharmacy, and the New Capital.

"The most important thing is socialization to the community. Because this is an initiative from the government, of course I hope that the government can better socialize this to the community," he said.

Puan urged the government to disseminate it well so that negative prejudice would not arise in society. He does not want the DPR to be the target of these negative prejudices.

In addition, Puan also reminded the government to be open about the draft that will be discussed with the DPR. Puan asked that the draft sent to parliament must be the same as the one that was disseminated to the public.

"So that it does not lead to nonsensical prejudices. Do not let the draft discussed in the DPR in particular be what it is, but later what will come out to the public is different," he explained.