Preventing Sarong War During Ramadan, Indramayu Police Map Conflict-Prone Areas

InDRAMAYU - The Indramayu Resort Police, West Java, intensified patrols at vulnerable points to prevent sarong or brawls as well as crimes during the holy month of Ramadan. "We have mapped places that are prone to crime, as well as brawls or sarong wars," said Indramayu Police Chief AKBP Fahri Siregar, quoting Antara, Sunday, March 26, Fahri said that in the holy month Ramadan associations, especially teenagers, resulted in potential friction that led to brawls or sarong wars. For this reason, his party instructed all members to be vigilant and carry out patrols in places that had been indicated as gathering places for teenagers and residents. He explained that members who carried out patrols were shared in several locations, especially at night to morning, considering that the hours were one of the vulnerable points.

"We are intensifying the team to carry out patrols in order to prevent brawls or sarong wars, especially after isya and early morning," he said. In addition to anticipating sarong wars, said Fahri, his party also dispatched a team to prevent criminal acts from occurring so that during fasting in the month of Ramadan the community can be comfortable and calm. His party also sent officers to guard houses of worship and crowded places during the holy month of Ramadan, so that community activities run smoothly. "We also launched officers from the Criminal Investigation Unit to anticipate crimes, in crowded places and quiet," he said.