The Advantages Of Having A Flexible And Flexible Body For Health

JAKARTA - There are types of people who have a flexible body so that it is easy to do various yoga movements. However, there are also people with stiff bodies, and even kissing their knees or stretching their legs apart while sitting on the floor is difficult.

If you are a stiff body type, maybe it's time to start training flexibility to be more flexible.

Flexibility itself means the ability of muscles and connective tissue to stretch temporarily.

"Flexibility is the third pillar of fitness after cardio and strength training," says David Geier, director of Sports Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina.

Being flexible is arguably important to support daily life. At least, you will find it easier when you have to reach high objects because the body is more elastic, right?

When your body is more flexible, you can achieve optimal fitness levels, prevent injury, and even reduce your risk of arthritis and serious illness.

In addition, flexibility is needed to release muscle tension and pain. In fact, a flexible body is easier to feel relaxed. Of course, there will be an increase in aerobic fitness, muscle strength, endurance, and being able to move more optimally.

How can I increase flexibility? The trick is of course with regular exercises, starting from practicing breathing, static stretching, and dynamic stretching.

Spending at least 10 minutes each day will be helpful for practice. You can also insert flexibility training between your weekly workout schedules. If you rarely exercise, try making flexibility exercises every morning or night before bed.

Try starting from stretching and holding for 15-30 seconds, repeat several times. Then, practice diaphragmatic breathing. This is a great start to adjusting to your body and increasing flexibility.

You can take a sitting position on a chair. Place your hands on both sides of the ribs. Inhale through your nose, fill your lungs with air and feel good for your ribs to expand.

Then, exhale through your mouth, engaging your core and pelvic floor as you push the air out.

If you are getting used to breathing and stretching exercises, then you can try other sports, such as yoga, pilates, tai chi, dancing,