Customers Need Comfort In Using The Super App Banking Feature

JAKARTA - Customers need convenience and comfort in using the super app feature in using financial and banking applications, according to a survey conducted by the Katadata Insight Center (KIC). "Through this survey, we provide insight into the form of ease and convenience of transactions that are most appreciated by super banking users in Indonesia," said Head of KIC Vivi Zabkie in a written statement, in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 25. Consumer Attitudes Towards Banking Super App, he said, his party further explored consumer attitudes in using three different financial products, namely banking services, e-Wallet, and investment. More than half of the respondents surveyed hope that the three financial products can be accessed through one application, thus facilitating various financial transactions. Applications that provide access to various services in one platform are now known as super or super applications App. Based on the findings of this survey, it was also revealed that the five banking super apps most used by respondents in the last three months post-installation, namely BCA Mobile (85.2 percent), BRImo (78.1 percent), Livin' by Mandiri (77.8 percent), SeaBank (75.8 percent), and OCTO Mobile (74.3 percent). Vivi Zabkie said that the latest banks are racing against each other to improve complete services in one application and development aims to facilitate customers in accessing all service needs Banks and finance. No wonder the term super app for banking mobile applications is now starting to emerge, we also examine this in this survey," said Vivi, The survey results also reveal respondents' views on digital banking services they use in the user friendly aspect. After installing it, almost all OCTO Mobile users, which is 90.5 percent, assess the application is easy to use, followed by BNI Mobile Banking (88.8 percent) users, BCA Mobile (88.7 percent), BRImo (86.8 percent), and Livin' by Mandiri (86.3 percent). OCTO Mobile, which was originally a mobile banking application of 'Go Mobile' and transformed into a super app in 2020, is considered superior in terms of suitability with needs, ease of payment, security of personal data, and attractive application views for its users. In general, they use a banking super app for transfers, top-up e-Wallet, and pay bills. In addition to the main use, as many as 47.3 percent of OCTO Mobile users also use this application for investment activities. The findings of the survey are in line with the 2021-2025 Indonesian Banking Development Roadmap (RP2I) compiled by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). In the RP2I, several initiatives are contained in order to encourage the acceleration of banking digitization. One of them, banks are encouraged to adopt various useful emerging technology in the financial sector. This adoption can be done through cooperation incentives with various providers of information technology services and collaboration with other institutions.

Meanwhile, in Banking Digital Transformation Blue Prints, bank collaboration in the ecosystem is able to provide opportunities for new consumers, take advantage of partner innovation, and gain data access for product and service development. This survey conducted by KIC further confirms that changes in people's attitudes have encouraged the financial and banking ecosystem to be more innovative and able to expand the reach of banking services. KIC survey regarding consumer attitudes towards the banking super app was conducted in January 2023. The survey was conducted online on 1.500 respondents aged 18 years and over, the SES A-C with a regional coverage throughout Indonesia.