Saturated With Social Distancing? These Are Pandemic Signs Of Fatigue That Must Be Overcome Immediately

JAKARTA - Living a life full of rules is boring? This happened during a pandemic.

When health rules or protocols must be implemented in everyday life, many people experience demotivation to implement these various rules.

In fact, the spread of the Covid-19 virus depends on how each person takes care of himself. So, what are the signs of experiencing demotivation in implementing health protocols?

Reported by the WHO (World Health Organization), the emergence of demotivation to follow various recommended protective measures is known as pandemic fatigue. The beginning to lose enthusiasm for implementing this health protocol was gradually experienced over time.

The effect is not only on decreasing health care from the spread of the Covid-19 virus, but also affecting perceptions, emotions and experiences.

Fatigue from feeling the situation during the pandemic is reported from an increasing number of people who do not follow health recommendations. It also violates recommendations for social distancing or social distancing.

Pandemic fatigue is characterized by slackening of self-protection. Like neglecting to wash your hands every time you go and go home or go out and about in public places.

In addition, they often put their masks down and carelessly maintain the physical distance they had previously obeyed.

Menurus Elissa Epel, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of California, says pandemic fatigue is a normal response. Reported by NYTimes, Ellisa Epel explained the various causes of fatigue being in a pandemic situation.

Boredom and tiredness may be the result. Each person can be characterized differently when experiencing pandemic fatigue.

Most often, launching from WDG Public Health, there is anxiety, irritability and difficulty focusing. Often experienced by adolescents and people who are still productive socializing, both for work purposes, building networks, relationships and so on.

WHO Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that basically fatigue and boredom are felt by many people.

Even so, we must remain vigilant and always carry out health protocols. He also reminded everyone to find effective ways to deal with fatigue so that motivation to maintain health can be carried out.

If you experience pandemic fatigue, stay aware that every action affects those around you. Always prioritize your own health and remind and support those closest to you to stay motivated in implementing health protocols.

Based on recommendations from UCLA Health, several steps can be taken to overcome pandemic fatigue.

Among them are taking care of yourself, limiting reading unhappy news, doing fun and relaxing things like yoga, reading, walking around the house watching movies, and finally keeping in touch with relatives and family.

The last way can be done by creating a new tradition through various video call features and others.