Should Know! 4 Stages That Must Be Followed While Undergoing The COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Process

JAKARTA - Today, the government has started a national COVID-19 vaccination program which was held at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta. On this occasion, President Joko Widodo was the first person to receive an injection of the COVID-19 vaccine from the Sinovac variant, Wednesday, January 13.

In the injection process, it is known that prospective vaccine recipients must go through four main stages before being declared medically safe.

The first is patient data collection. At this stage, participants are required to verify their identity as the first requirement for vaccine administration. If deemed to have met the requirements, the participant will be given permission to continue the next process.

Second, is a health condition screening. Here, participants will be asked to take blood pressure checks. If the blood pressure is normal and does not exceed 140 then this stage can be passed. In addition, participants also checked the body temperature, whether they were in a healthy range or not. Then, the officer will ask about the participant's medical history.

Referring to the medical officer interview with President Joko Widodo just before the injection of the vaccine, the questions asked about health in the last seven days. Then, have you ever been confirmed positive for COVID-19, do you have a history of congenital diseases that are classified as severe or not, to the health condition of your closest family.

After being deemed safe, participants were then asked to take part in the third stage, namely the injection of the COVID-19 vaccine. In this section, medical personnel are obliged to show new and sterile syringes to patients as an absolute requirement for health care.

The last stage is final reporting. Participants who have undergone the previous three stages are required to submit vaccine recipient documents to the officer as a report. In this final part, participants were asked to wait for 30 minutes to find out the effect of the vaccine that had been injected.

If it is considered that there is no problem, the participant will be allowed to go home after being given a new document for further treatment. Participants are required to carry out the second dose of vaccination two weeks after the first injection by bringing the previous documents.