Jokowi: Alhamdulillah, I Just Received A Sinovac Vaccine Injection

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo expressed his gratitude for being the recipient of the COVID-19 vaccine. He shared his gratitude on his Instagram account, @jokowi.

"Alhamdulillah, I just received an injection of the Sinovac vaccine. This vaccine was only injected after the BPOM issued an emergency use permit. The BPOM evaluation results show that Sinovac has an efficacy of 65.3 percent, higher than the WHO standard of 50 percent," he said.

He explained that the Indonesian Ulema Council had also stated that the Sinovac vaccine was halal for use.

"I have ordered the Covid-19 vaccination to begin immediately throughout the country," he said.

The president is known to have received the COVID-19 vaccine with the Sinovac type. This was discovered after medical officers showed the media crew just before the injection of the vaccine.

In this vaccination process, President Joko Widodo had to go through four medical stages. First is registration and data verification. Second, screening medical history, then the injection stage, and the last stage is the monitoring stage for 30 minutes after injection to determine the effect of vaccine administration.

This inaugural vaccination program was also attended by a number of elements of society and high state officials, such as the TNI Commander, the National Police Chief, representatives of businessmen, representatives of medical personnel, representatives of small traders, and representatives of religious leaders.