After Being Injected With The COVID-19 Vaccine, Jokowi: Thank You BPOM And MUI

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo thanked two high-ranking institutions for working hard in the success of the national vaccination program which started today. This was conveyed by Jokowi after being injected with the COVID-19 vaccine,

"I am grateful to the POM (Food and Drug Supervisory Agency) for issuing an emergency distribution permit for this vaccine. Not forgetting also to the MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) which has given a halal certificate for the vaccines used. Amen," said Jokowi at the conference. press at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 13.

The President added that he specifically instructed all levels to carry out a comprehensive and tiered vaccination program.

"I hope that after this inaugural vaccination, the vaccine program can continue to be followed by all Indonesian people, from provincial to regency and city levels," he said.

According to the President, the national strategic agenda was a real effort by the state to get out of the danger of a pandemic, which now has an impact on all elements of life.

"Vaccination is important to break the chain of the corona virus and provide health protection for the Indonesian people, and play a role in accelerating economic recovery," he explained.

As is well known, President Joko Widodo is the first person to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in the national vaccination program which starts today. In his statement, the head of state said that the vaccination process was quite simple and fast.

"It doesn't hurt at all," he said.

Meanwhile, the medical officers who administer the vaccine injection are Prof. Dr. Abdul Muthalib who is the Vice Chairman of the Presidential Medical Team.

The president is known to have received the COVID-19 vaccine with the Sinovac type. This was discovered after medical officers showed the media crew just before the injection of the vaccine.

In this vaccination process, President Joko Widodo had to go through four medical stages. First is registration and data verification. Second, screening medical history, then the injection stage, and the last stage is the monitoring stage for 30 minutes after injection to determine the effect of vaccine administration.

This initial vaccination program was also attended by a number of elements of society and high state officials, such as the TNI Commander, the National Police Chief, representatives of businessmen, representatives of medical personnel, representatives of small traders, and representatives of religious leaders.