Make No Mistakes, Doing Great Daily Routine Benefits For Mental Health

YOGYAKARTA Regular household chores, such as cooking, cleaning houses, washing dirty dishes, cutting grass, and so on also have a good effect on mental health. Based on science, doing daily routines is not only mentally healthy but also physical. Here are a number of benefits from doing household chores regularly.

In the Inspired by Distraction research: Mind Wandering Facilitates Creative Incubation, reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, March 23, found that doing light tasks allows wandering thoughts. That way the task, which is completed without thinking, can stimulate more creative ideas than a task that demands heavy thoughts.

Completing routine homework can provide the benefits of preventing dementia more effectively than social relationships. Meg Selig wrote, homework that combines physical and mental activity, can reduce the risk of dementia if done regularly. Plus, such as washing dishes. This work requires planning, for example removing the rest on a dirty plate, wetting it with water, and hoarding and then cleaning it clean.

The nickname exercise snack may be encouraging. Because by doing small activities, such as standing for a few minutes when washing dishes, walking hundreds of steps when sweeping the floor, and stretching lightly when drying clothes, consider it a sports snack.

The researchers have studied the effects of sports snacks ranging from 30 seconds, such as up stairs, up to 10 minutes, such as cycling on a static bicycle. Some health effects include increased memory, increased coordination, increased mood, reduced risk of atherosclerosis, diabetes, and obesity, as well as an increase in longevity.

Even completing a small task, such as cleaning up a bed, can give you satisfaction and motivate you to do the next task. In the same tone, best-selling writer and speaker William H. McRaven argues, "If you want to change the world, start by tidying up your bed." Apparently, a small win has a tremendous ripple effect.

Completing the task of increasing self-efficiency is because it believes it has the skills to achieve its goals. The concept of self-efficiency was developed by psychologist Albert Bandura in the 1970s, which has proven to increase confidence and motivation. Well, low self-efficiency is associated with anxiety, depression, lack of hope, lack of motivation.

Regarding mental health, small research at Florida State University found results from participants. Participants are asked to wash dishes with instructions to be careful, focus on the smell of soap, water warmth, and plate texture. This study shows that participants experienced a 27 percent decrease in nervousness and mental inspiration increased by 25 percent.

This means that by focusing on daily activities for routine work, it can help reduce stress, and can me or rest from outside activities. Maybe you don't like doing homework. Maybe also bored because of the samepetitive activity every day. But Selig suggested, try asking yourself. Why do you do this task so as to remind the basic values.