During The Day Of Bengkulu Heat 34 Degrees Celsius, BMKG Calls Entering Seasonal Changes

BENGKULU - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of Babai Island Climatology Station said that changes in temperature from heat to 34 degrees Celsius in one day in the Bengkulu area were caused by changes in the seasons.

Head of the BMKG Data and Information Section for the Climatology Station of Baai Island Bengkulu Anang Anwar said that from the apparent motion of the sun the position is above the equator so that the acceptance of the intensity of sunlight in the equatorial region will be even greater. "So that the convectiveness or vertical lift of the air in the Bengkulu region is getting bigger and the formation of convective clouds is also getting bigger," he said in Bengkulu City, Tuesday. In addition, the topography of the Bengkulu region is very supportive of the presence of the Indian Ocean and the Bukit line of the process of convective clouds.

Terang Anang, untuk suhu tertinggi yang tercatat di BMKG Bengkulu yaitu 34.0 celcius dan suhu terendah sekitar 22.9 celcius dan hal tersebut merupakan hal yang wajar terjadi."Angka tersebut sudah terasa panas untuk masyarakat karena untuk wilayah Bengkulu suhu rata rata berkisar 27-30 derajat celcius," kata dia.

Meanwhile, for the next few days a number of areas in Bengkulu such as Mukomuko Regency, North Bengkulu Regency, Kepahiang Regency and Lebong Regency have the potential for rain with intensity to heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds of short duration. Then, people in the area are advised to be aware of potential hydrometeorological disasters such as floods, landslides, strong winds and others due to heavy rains that occur.