Republican Politicians Support Donald Trump's Impeachment Efforts

JAKARTA - Three members of the US House of Representatives from the Republican Party, the party that supports President Donald Trump, have declared their support for the impeachment effort. The trio agree to join forces to indict Donald Trump for the attacks on Capitol Hill.

The three are Liz Cheney, John Katko and Adam Kinzinger. The move chosen by the three implies that Trump is starting to wane in the Republican Party.

Launching Reuters Wednesday January 13, Liz Cheney regretted what happened on Capitol Hill, and at the same time considered it as a big betrayal of a president.

"There has never been greater betrayal by the President of the United States from his office and his oath to the constitution," Cheney said.

"Trump summoned the masses, gathered the masses, ignited the attack on Capitol Hill last Wednesday. I will choose to indict the president," said the daughter of former US Vice President Dick Cheney.

It is known, the US House of Representatives is speeding up the publication of articles on impeachment on Wednesday local time. In fact, Trump's tenure remains eight days before he is replaced by Joe Biden.

Vice President Mike Pence has stated that he rejects the use of the 25th Amendment to remove Trump. The impeachment attempt is not easy, because the Democratic Party only controls the US DPR. While the US Senate is still controlled by the Republican Party.

This will lead to protracted debates, such as in the first impeachment attempt against Trump, which was initiated on September 24, 2019 and ended only on February 5, 2020.

"I do not believe that such actions (use of the 25th Amendment) are in the best interests of our nation, or in accordance with our constitution," Pence said in his rejection letter to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.