Deepublish Publisher, Education Book Publisher

JAKARTA - Deepublish issuance is an education book publisher who has a vision and mission to build national literacy. One of the efforts to make it happen, the publisher always encourages experts in Indonesia to be productive in writing and publishing it. Even so, the process of writing for academics such as young lecturers is still facing many obstacles. Understanding this condition, Deepublish Publishers continues to strive to develop their services to help young writers hone writing skills. Deepublish publisher, Academic Friends in the issuance of the Deepublish Penerbit Education Book have started publishing services in 2010. The books published are dominated by educational books by experts in their fields. By issuing books compiled by experts, the public is expected to be able to access credible knowledge information. Not only that, Deepublish issuance also helps academics publish their work as a result. form of dedication through this step. Especially for lecturers, Deepublish Publishers will help issue books according to the provisions of Dikti. Thus, the book can be submitted to the Lecturer Workload Report (BKD) and provides lecturers with additional credit figures (KUM) so that they can develop their academic career. Currently, the efforts of Deepublish Publish to become an academic friend in publishing educational books have resulted in more than 11,000 titles and this number will continue to grow along with the para the author who published his book at the Deepublish Publish Publish. Not only publishing services, the Deepublish Publish Publisher also offers various services, namely writing consultations, parades or conversions of written works, HAKI management, partners, to institutional cooperation.Academics' constraints in issuing Full Support Books are always given by Deepublish Publish Publishers to academics who have just started writing. Academia may still encounter a number of obstacles in publishing their work, especially in the form of a script. However, there is no need to worry, Deepublish Publish is not just a friend to senior academics whose script contains only minor errors or even the slightest error. Deepublish issuer is a friend to young academics. For young academics who do not have the experience of writing. Maybe you will be confused about where to start writing, after you finish, where to go and how? Deepublish issuer provides a solution in the form of Consulting Services Writing. Consult the problem of writing you because the Customer Service Deepublish Publish team will help you and this consultation is free! In addition, the commitment of Deepublish Publish Publish in helping writers is also realized in a number of educational ebooks related to the development of writing skills ranging from beginners to experts. This Ebook can be obtained by young academics for free to study and get the convenience of honing writing skills. For you novice writers, No need to hesitate to join as a Deepublish writer, you will be helped from the beginning to write until your book is published. More than 5000 writers have joined and successfully published the book. Register as Author of Deepublish Publish Issuance right now! Why Do Academics Issue Books in Deepublish Publish Publishes? Deepublish penerbit, education book publisher can be used as an option because Deepublish Publishers have experience in publishing quality books. Thus, tens of thousands of academics have entrust the script to be published here. Here are some reasons that can be considered why Deepulish issuance is the best place to publish your book.

Deepublish issuance helps academics to issue books properly and according to the latest regulations, especially adjusted to the provisions of Dikti. Thus, books that have been made in full of struggle can be recognized by Dikti. This book can then go to BKD reports and lecturers will get additional KUMs. The CS Issuing Deepublish team applies standardized services so that it can help lecturers publish their work well. The testimonials of the authors so far say that the CS Deepublish publisher really helps the authors until their work is published.

The second reason for choosing Issuance Deepublish as a book script publisher among academics is that he has become a member of IKAPI. Lecturers, for example, are required to publish books with ISBN or e-ISBN. ISBN can only be submitted as an official publisher and IKAPI members to the National Library. So, when the text is received by the Deepublish Publish Publish, it is guaranteed that it will have an ISBN. So it is certain that it is official and books can be distributed throughout Indonesia.

Deepublish publisher, an education book publisher who is a friend to academics. Through various service programs that continue to be developed, now have published more than 11,000 book titles. It is recorded that there are 5,000 writers who are part of the writer team Publish Issuance Deepublish. The writers who join come from various educational agencies and institutions in Indonesia and from various regions in the country. Through professional and trusted services, Deepublish publishers continue to develop their services and are trusted by more academics to publish their works according to government regulations.

Deepublish issuance is often the choice of academics in Indonesia because of flexible printed services. This means that each author has the right to determine the number of prints to be made. So that there are no binding rules. Lecturers who want to print their works in the form of printed books can adjust the amount according to their needs or budget. For example, printing according to the number of students in one semester so that it fits the needs.

Deepublish publishers also apply transparent systems to joining writers. So, each author will receive a report on the proceeds from the sale of their own script and be sent every May each year. Writers are given full access to all the publishing and selling information of their books. So, the authors can know how many copies have been sold and can estimate the nominal royalties that will be disbursed.The services made transparent help each author to find out how the progress of his work is. Thus, it can be used as motivation to continue working and publishing quality educational books. With all the advantages it has, Deepublish is the right choice for academics to submit ready-to-published scripts, both for textbooks, monographs, references, and delivery flowers. The publishing fee is guaranteed to be competitive but can already receive services more diverse according to the explanation above. Come on, join as the Author of Deepublish Publish Publish and build with high-quality national literacy!