Vanessa Kirby As A Woman Whose Labor Leads To Tragedy In Pieces Of A Woman

JAKARTA - Vanessa Kirby has never given birth to a baby. However, he said he could not wait to live it, even if only in a role in the film Pieces of a Woman which airs on Netflix this week.

While preparing to portray a character that she thinks has a heavy burden of responsibility, this British actress spent a lot of time with pregnant women and those who had miscarriages or whose babies died in the womb.

Quoted Antara from Reuters, Tuesday, January 12, a woman even allowed Kirby to participate in seeing the birth process of her child.

"I know nothing about giving birth. And I certainly don't know anything about losing a baby. And those things scared me because I thought, if I show it wrong, I will disappoint every woman who has given birth," she said.

"We see a lot of men dying (on screen), but you don't see a lot of women giving birth," Vanessa added.

The 32-year-old actress received favorable reviews and awards at the Venice film festival for her role as a young woman looking forward to a new role as mother but her life has changed due to loss and pain.

The picture of giving birth which is the opening for 24 minutes is captured in one continuous scene.

The actor, the young Princess Margaret in the series The Crown, said the film did not make her want to delay having children, it made her impatient to have children one day.

She described childbirth as something extraordinary and wonderful.

"I don't know when it will happen, but I'm looking forward to a delivery. I can't wait."

The film, which also stars Ellen Burstyn and Shia LaBeouf, is inspired by the personal experiences of the loss of Hungarian director Kornel Mundruczo and his wife, the screenwriter Kata Weber.

Weber said that making this film was like therapy for them.