Trump Admits He Is Responsible For The Capitol Hill Raid

JAKARTA - President of the United States (US) Donald Trump admits that he bears "most of the responsibility" for the riots that occurred on the Capitol Hill Building, USA last week. This was stated by the leader of the Republican Party, Kevin McCarthy in Congress.

To members of the US House of Representatives congress, by sharing the contents of his telephone conversation with Trump. Most of the Republicans are still divided on different camps regarding the invasion of the Capitol, sources said.

"I have convinced the president. He is responsible for his words and attitude," McCarthy said, quoted by a source in Reuters on Tuesday, January 12.

"I asked him personally if he was responsible for what happened, if he was concerned about what happened. He told me that he was partly responsible for what happened."

McCarthy also mentioned that he asked Trump to call Biden, imitating his words to Trump: "I ask you personally. Call Joe Biden. For the sake of this nation."

Blame the Antifa Group

Axios media reported that the attack on the Capitol Hill building was carried out by anti-Fascist groups (antifa). Trump made the allegations in a 30-minute phone conversation with Kevin McCarthy.

In the conversation McCarthy also briefly told Trump that "They are not Antifa, but MAGA (Make America Great Again, Trump's slogan - referring to his supporters, ed). I know it. I was there." as summarized from Reuters.

As is known, last week, thousands of supporters of Trump broke into the US Congress, forcing members of the congress - who are currently carrying out the process of validating Joe Biden's election victory - to hide for their lives.

The violent incident came shortly after Trump asked his supporters to march into the Capitol Building as they rallied in which Trump reiterated his false claim that he was rigged in the election.

In the aftermath of the incident, Trump initially rejected calls for himself to condemn the action and repeated claims about election fraud, saying that his supporters involved in the raid of the Congressional Building were "very special."

A day later, Trump called the violence in action "a terrible attack" and promised to work for a smooth transfer of power even though he has yet to admit defeat in the election.