Megawati's Grasp Of Gibran's Fate In Pilwalkot Solo

JAKARTA - The faces of the candidate for Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and the pair Achmad Purnomo-Teguh Prakosa smiled as they exited the elevator of the PDI-P DPP Office. They took the elevator together with the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani and held a press conference related to the feasibility test they had carried out for approximately two hours.

In the press conference, Puan, who was also present as a panelist, said that the three prospective candidates had conveyed their vision and mission as well as their commitment to advance in the 2020 Pilwalkot Solo.

"Asked about the vision or commitment of (prospective candidates) if later they get a recommendation from the Chairperson of the PDIP. How, what will be done for the regions participating in the regional elections," said Puan to reporters in a press conference after the feasibility test at the PDI-P DPP Office, Jalan Diponegoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, February 10.

The chairman of the DPR RI then explained, after the due diligence was carried out, later it would be the Chairperson of the PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, who would decide who would go forward in the 2020 Solo Mayor Election.

So, even though the Achmad Purnomo-Teguh Prakosa pair have won the blessing of the PDIP Solo Branch Leadership Council (DPC), it does not mean that they cannot fail in this stage of determination.

Puan Maharani and Gibran Rakabuming (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

"The selection mechanism in the PDIP is tiered, so after the DPC, DPD then DPP and the result that will decide is the tiered input that is submitted to the general chairman and then the general chairman will decide through the party," he said while adding a decision about who would be. competing in the Pilwalkot contest will be announced as soon as possible.

On that occasion, Puan again denied the privilege of Gibran, who is the eldest son of President Joko Widodo. According to Puan, Purnomo-Teguh and Gibran have undergone a mechanism in accordance with party rules. So, whatever the party's decision is, it will not be a form of privilege.

In addition, he also denied that the meeting between President Joko Widodo and Solo Mayor FX Hadi Rudyatmo which took place on Thursday, February 6 at the Presidential Palace discussed the issue of the 2020 Pilkada, especially the Pilwalkot.

According to Puan, this meeting was not an intervention by Jokowi so that Gibran would receive a red carpet, but only an ordinary meeting between the president and the mayor.

"No (intervention), meeting the president, meeting with the mayor. Like me, now my job is as the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP, even though the chairman of the DPR, it is normal to meet these candidates. So don't get prejudiced in a gathering," he said.

Stay at the PDIP

The future Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, spoke about the feasibility test that he underwent for the two hours. He said, during the due diligence, he was asked about his vision and mission for the city of Solo if he received the mandate as a candidate for mayor.

"Quite a lot earlier (questions). Yes, about the future vision and mission, where do you want Solo to be, the issue of radicalism and commitment to the party," said Gibran to reporters at the same place.

After carrying out one of the nomination processes, he said he was still optimistic that he could get recommendations from the party to advance in the contest.

However, if later he does not receive a recommendation from the PDIP, then Gibran will decide not to advance from any party, including the parties that are currently approaching him such as the Gerindra Party and the Democrat Party.

After due diligence

"I will remain loyal to the PDI struggle if I do not receive a recommendation. I will remain committed to raising the party by means of mutual cooperation involving all elements, both culture and structure, that is my commitment," he said.

Meanwhile, Achmad Purnomo and his partner Teguh Prakosa, who have received a mandate from the DPC PDIP in Solo, emphasized that he was sure that this process would go well and whatever the party's decision would be.

"Party cadres must be upright. Whatever the party's decision is, we will carry it out," he said while denying that if he was not elected he would progress from an independent path, as has been reported recently.

"No. I haven't thought about it (through independent channels). We'll just wait," he concluded.