Ramadan 1444, Night Clubs Operations In Ambon City Only 4 Hours

AMBON - The Ambon City Government (Pemkot) has adjusted the operating hours of nightclubs (THM) during the holy month of Ramadan 1444 Hijri. THM is allowed to open only 4 hours from 22.00 to 02.00.
"In order to carry out the fasting worship for the holy month of Ramadan 1444 Hijriah, we are making adjustments to the operating hours of nightlife venues, namely opening from 22.00 to 02.00 WIT," said Acting Mayor of Ambon City Bodewin Wattimena, quoted by ANTARA, Monday 20 March.
He said the owners of entertainment venues, namely karaoke, pubs, bars, and similar entertainment venues, temporarily closed activities for three days, starting from the date of 1 Ramadan 1444 Hijri.
As for the following days it closes at noon and opens from 22.00 - 02.00 WIT.
Pool Ball Entrepreneurs, where children's games are played starting at 09.00 WIT and will be temporarily closed at 12.30 - 13.35 WIT, business activities can resume at 14.00 - 16.00 WIT.
Meanwhile, owners of restaurants and restaurants, cafes, stalls, or similar businesses are encouraged to put up cloth or curtains at the entrance or windows.
This is done so as not to interfere with the public view in order to respect Muslims who are fasting.
The community, said Bodewin, was advised not to eat, drink or smoke during the day in public places, so as not to disturb Muslims who were fasting.
Adjustments to operational hours were conveyed through a circular letter from the acting Mayor of Ambon City to be carried out as well as possible with full responsibility.