Minister Of Religion Throwing Issues At Mahfud MD Regarding The Discourse To Repatriate Ex-ISIS Citizens

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Minister of Religion, Fachrul Razi, is reluctant to comment on the government's discourse on repatriating former ISIS Indonesians from the Middle East. Whereas previously, this issue began to develop and became a polemic after being directly expressed by Fachrul.

When asked about the return of ex-ISIS citizens to Indonesia, Fachrul said that currently all information relating to this issue has been coordinated directly through the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Human Rights, Mahfud MD.

"Oh, I don't know, I'm just waiting for information from the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs," he said, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, February 10.

Fachrul is currently very careful in responding to journalists' questions about the repatriation of former ISIS citizens. He said that his views could no longer be conveyed directly to the public, therefore he would only provide input if Mahfud MD asked him.

"Later, if he asks, I will give input. I can't talk here anymore because there is already a meeting of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs," he said.

However, Fachrul dismissed accusations of his current attitude because of the specific prohibition that he could not comment again on Indonesian ex-ISIS citizens. Fachrul felt that he did not deserve to step over the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs as the coordinator in making statements related to the issue.

"No, it's not prohibited. Because when a coordinator has been appointed, talk to the coordinator," he said.

The Government Is Not Yet One Voice

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said there was no government discourse to repatriate the former ISIS citizen. According to him, reporting on the discourse of repatriating former ISIS citizens in various media is merely a diversion of the issue.

The discourse of repatriating ex-ISIS Indonesian citizens, said Mahfud, started with a statement by one of the officials. However, this statement has been clarified and according to him, there is no need to overthrow it.

Regarding ex-ISIS Indonesian citizens who are currently still in Syria, Mahfud said, the government is currently only making an alternative to the rule of law. An alternative to the rule of law is that the government forms a team to officially decide the fate of Indonesian citizens who are ex-ISIS.

Mahfud MD personally agreed with President Jokowi. These Indonesian citizens are dangerous when they spread terrorism in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto did not mind accepting former ISIS citizens to return to Indonesia. They can still return to live with the people in Indonesia as long as they fulfill certain conditions.

Prabowo also left it to BIN and the Police to investigate the extent of the involvement of former ISIS citizens. If it is not proven to be involved in violent actions or not too high, it may be possible to return to society more quickly.

As is known, President Jokowi has still refused to return Indonesian citizens who were ex-ISIS. However, Jokowi called the rejection because there had been no further steps. So, regarding this matter, his party will meet first.

Jokowi said that the government is still taking into account the various impacts if an ex-ISIS citizen is to be returned to Indonesia. Jokowi will discuss both positive and negative impacts in a limited meeting.

"Yes, if you ask me (now), it is not finished yet. If you ask me (now), I will say no (I can come back). However, it is still leveled," said Jokowi at the State Palace, Wednesday. , February 5.

Previously, the Minister of Religion, Fachrul Razi, gave a statement that he was reluctant to take back Indonesian citizens who were ex-ISIS in the country. He explained the facts of acts of terrorism and violence carried out by ISIS as the reason for rejecting the return of Indonesian citizens who were former terrorists in the Middle East.

"But basically I have shown how fierce they are, if it is like that we already know how long we want to accept it. The Minister of Religion has clearly said that I am clearly very sadistic and bring up the name of which religion we want him to return to Indonesia," he said. Fachrul.