West Kalimantan Governor Bang Midji Asks Sriwijaya Air To Quickly Convey Data On Victims Of Their Origin

PONTIANAK - The Governor of West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Sutarmidji asked the Sriwijaya Air airline to immediately convey the number of passengers on the Sriwijaya SJ-182 aircraft originating from West Kalimantan.

"Earlier, I had asked Sriwijaya Air to immediately convey the number of passengers who were victims, starting from how many people from Pontianak, Ketapang, Mempawah, Sintang and so on, so that after being handed over to the families of the victims, they could be immediately sent to their respective regions of origin. respectively, "said Sutarmidji or familiarly called Bang Midji after inspecting the SJ-182 Sriwijaya Air Crisis Center in the Angkasapura II Hall at Supadio International Airport, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 12 evening.

Not only that, Bang Midji emphasized that data submission must also be accompanied by a statement of the origin of the victims.

He will order that the regents / mayors from which the victims come from can prepare everything.

"So the victim's body can be immediately brought and buried according to the wishes of the victim's family and place of origin, as well as preparing an ambulance and funeral must be properly prepared," he said.

The goal is that the victim's family who is grieving is not burdened by anything.

"I want the victim's family not to think about this and that anymore," he said.

According to Bang Midji, until now Sriwijaya did not have the data he requested.

"The data should already exist. If you really want to do the right handling, the data should already be there," he said.