PLN Urged To Accelerate SPKLU And SPBKLU Development, Observer: Don't Slow Down!

JAKARTA - A number of people urged PLN (Persero) to accelerate the implementation of SPKLU and SPBKLU following the issuance of government policies related to fiscal policies in the form of subsidies for purchasing electric vehicles.

Energy Watch Daymas Executive Director Arangga Radiandra said PLN must immediately increase infrastructure development and development for electric vehicles from upstream to downstream.

"PLN, don't be slow, it must be done immediately," he said in a written statement, Monday, March 20.

The acceleration should be in line with Presidential Decree No. 55/2019 concerning the Acceleration of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Programs by continuing to contribute to the development of the EV ecosystem.

According to Daymas, the development and construction of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) and Public Electric Vehicle Battery Exchange Stations (SPBKLU) are only downstream from the provision of electric motor energy.

On the upstream side, said Daymas, PLN must provide electricity sourced from environmentally friendly energy.

"And don't just focus on the island of Java, even distribution of the number of SPKLU or SPBKLU must be on other islands," he said.

In this case, he explained, the role of PLN has become very crucial to attract investment related to electric vehicles.

"Investments that will accelerate electric vehicles will depend on downstream infrastructure such as SPKLU and SPBKLU," he said.

Furthermore, Daymas said, the success of the fiscal policy in the form of subsidies for purchasing electric vehicles also depends on PLN's role in increasing charging stations and exchanging batteries.

"If there is no SPKLU, where will anyone want to buy electric vehicles," he explained.

Daymas detailed, at least there must be one SPBKLU at a radius of 30 kilometers. As for SPKLU it can be at a radius of 60 kilometers.

"That's the ideal number. However, PLN can start by increasing it first. Currently, it's still minimal," he said.

Currently, continued Daymas, the electric SOE must immediately coordinate with a number of parties, including the automotive industry to equalize the upstream and downstream perceptions of the electric vehicle ecosystem industry.

"You have to meet it immediately. At a minimum, the automotive industry conveys the target of selling units per year and where the concentration of sales is. Well, there PLN must provide where the SPKLU and SPBKLU are. PLN should not be too late," he explained.

The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources itself targets the construction of a new 1,030 SPKLU by 2023, almost double that of last year. That way, there will be around 3,000 SPKLU units by the end of this year.