Will Water Conservation In Laburahan Bajo, Development Of Munting Children's Embung Capai 80 Percent

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is completing the construction of a Munting Children's Embung between Labuan Bajo Access Roads to Golo Mori, Komodo District, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

Expert Staff to the Minister of PUPR for Technology, Industry and Environment as well as Spokesperson for the Ministry of PUPR Endra S. Atmawidjaja said that the construction of this reservoir has a main function of conservation and support tourism in the Labuan Bajo Super Priority Tourism Destination (DPSP) in preparation for the implementation of the ASEAN Summit.

"The physical progress of the construction of Munting Children's Embung with a capacity of 150,000 m3 and an inundation area of 4.5 hectares has now reached 80 percent," said Endra spokesman in his official statement, quoted Monday, March 20.

Endra said that dew is one of the water harvesting techniques that is very suitable in dry areas.

"The construction of this reservoir is under the responsibility of the Nusa Tenggara II River Basin Center, Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of PUPR, costing construction of Rp29.65 billion with the implementing contractor PT Brantas Abipraya," he said.

In addition, this Embung serves to accommodate and ensure water availability for various community needs, both during the dry season and the rainy season. Embung also functions to fill groundwater as part of environmental conservation efforts.

"In the corridor to Golo Mori, the landscape is very beautiful, so I am sure that Embung Anak Munting can be an additional new tourist destination in the Labuan Bajo area, which is currently and in the future will be increasingly crowded with foreign and domestic tourists," concluded Endra.