Sindir Kades Yang Use Hartanya Untuk Pencari Suara, Megawati: Saya Taut Lho

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri satirized the village head (kades) who was looking for voice polling using his property.Megawati admitted that she had found the facts on the ground due to the election of village heads. For him, many people really choose not because of their choice, but because of the large assets of the candidate."If there is an election (the village head), I like to hang out, I want to know. Eh, who was chosen,” said Megawati at GBK, March 19.“I know. Is it true or not? Lack of screaming, hayo? Stop it, don't do that, ” he saidAccording to him, to become a village head, he must be a leader who is truly loved by his workings so that he can realize the dream of building a village for the better."Because I always say, you must be loved and love the people," he concluded.For information, the 5th RI resident Megawati Soekarnoputri and a number of figures attended the nineth anniversary of the Constitution Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages or Village Law in East Parking Senayan, Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), Jakarta, Sunday 19 March.Based on observations at the location, a number of other figures who attended the event included the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas, Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian.Furthermore, the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, and the Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) Yudian Wahyudi.Megawati's presence, who is also the Chair of the BPIP Steering Committee, was warmly welcomed by thousands of village heads from all over Indonesia who attended the event.For this remarks, Megawati greeted the village heads by waving from the stage.