Cable In West West Sumatra Coastal PLN Warehouse Worth IDR 350 Million Raib, 4 Perpetrators Arrested

West Coast Police arrested four perpetrators of theft of PLN cables at PLN Warehouse, Labuhan Jukung, Pekon (Village) Kampung Jawa, Pesisir Tengah District, West Coast Regency, Lampung.

"A total of four PLN cable theft perpetrators were arrested by the Tekab 308 West Coast Police, on March 18, 2023 at around 19.00 WIB," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Coast Police, Iptu Riki Nopariansyah, on the West Coast, Lampung, Sunday, March 19, confiscated by Antara.

The four perpetrators had the initials AF (40), a resident of Tanah Lapang, Pasar Mulya Selatan, Pasar Krui Village, Pesisir Tengah District; F (39) a resident of Behind BRI, Central Market of Kelurahan, Pasar Kota Krui; FH (39) a resident of Sukamaju Hamlet, Pekon Rawas, Central Coast District; and J (42) a resident of Pekon Walur, South Krui District.

The incident was known based on Roni's report (34) that the PLN equipment placed in the PLN Kantor Jaya Krui warehouse was no longer available.

Roni said the missing goods were the NYY black cable measuring 1x150 mm along 310 meters and the NYY black cable measuring 1x70mm along 184 meters.

Based on the report, the Tekab 308 Precision Team of the West Coast Police conducted an investigation starting from conducting TKP checks and collecting information in the field.

After that the team received information that the AF perpetrator was suspected of having stolen the cable, the team immediately moved and managed to secure the perpetrator at his home.

The perpetrator admitted that he did it together with FR and FH Then sold it to JO's brother, the team did not take long to secure the other three perpetrators.

The modus operandi of the perpetrators of the theft was that the perpetrator with the initials (AF) entered the PLN warehouse and then prepared the cable that would be taken by being brought closer to the warehouse vent, then the perpetrator (AF) and the perpetrator with the initials (FR) pulled the cable through the ventilation of the warehouse and then the cable was taken to AF's house and took the copper and took the copper. Then the perpetrator with the initials AF sold the stolen goods to the brother (JO),

The AF perpetrator admitted that he had stolen the cable several times, admitted that the first one he managed to sell Rp. 300 thousand, the second was Rp. 300 thousand, the third was Rp. 800 thousand, the fourth was Rp. 800 thousand and the fifth was the proceeds from the sale of Rp. 4 million.

From the hands of the perpetrators, the officers managed to secure evidence in the form of a red cut, two cable skins with a length of 10 meters each.

Then the perpetrators and evidence were taken to the West Coast Police for further investigation.

From the incident of the theft of PLN cables, it is estimated that the loss reached Rp350 million.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator was snared under Article 363 of the Criminal Code regarding theft with a weighted penalty of 7 years in prison.