Warganet's Wife Shows Off Her Wealth, Ministry Of State Secretariat Officials Deactivated

JAKARTA - The Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg) has disabled the Head of the General Bureau Administration Division of the Ministry of State Affairs Esha Rahmansah Abrar from his position. The deactivation of the IVA echelon official was in the aftermath of the viral luxurious lifestyle exhibited by his wife on social media.

Karo Humas Kemensetneg Eddy Cahyono Sugiarto said that his party apologized to the public for the flexing behavior of one of the families of its agency officials, causing a public commotion.

"The Ministry of State Affairs apologizes to the public for the noise that has caused inconvenience in the community. As a follow-up, Brother Esha has been temporarily disabled from her position," said Eddy in his statement, Sunday, March 19.

Eddy said that this deactivation was carried out to make it easier to verify the truth of the information that was developing.

Furthermore, the Ministry of State Affairs will consult with the KPK, PPATK and other institutions to obtain comprehensive facts and data as a basis for following up on the irregularities in the acquisition of the assets of the relevant officials.

"The Ministry of State Affairs will announce the results to the public as a commitment of the Ministry of State Secretariat to support the eradication of KKN and practices that are against the law," he said.

Recently, netizens again exposed the behavior of government officials' families who often showed off their luxurious lifestyles. Now, Esha Rahmansyah Abrar and his family are targeted.

On Twitter social media, netizens showed various uploads from Esha's wife showing off her luxury items, ranging from new cars, gold in antam, to bouquets filled with money.

The Luxury lifestyle of Esha's wife raises the suspicion of netizens. Because, Esha is still a low-ranking official. After going viral, Esha's wife's social media account was deactivated.